CHAPTER 5: You're an Ass!!

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       The rest of the night at the club was pretty fun even though I don't like going to clubs.

       The guy that I was introduced to and had asked me to dance, he was a really good dancer.

       Then after a few songs, I needed some water. So I started heading upstairs as he stayed down on the dance floor to continue dancing.

       Right as I had gone upstairs and walked towards the bar, I ordered a Pepsi and after the bartender poured me my drink and handed it to me, I went over towards one of the couches and sat down.

       Then I noticed not too long after I took a seat actually, that Ryan started walking over towards me and took a seat in the chair that was next to the couch I was on.

       We had both sat there, drinking our drinks while sharing an.awkward silence between each other. At least until I thought I would try and make conversation since he insists on staring at me.

       "So, having fun?" I ask.

       He shrugs his shoulders and then takes a drink from his glass.

       "I guess so. Though it seems to be like you're having more fun than anyone else." He says very rudely.

       "Excuse me?" I ask him.

       "You heard me." He says.

       "Why are you being an asshole? I've done nothing to you." I tell him.

       "Yeah, sure." He tells me. Which doesn't make much sense. "Besides, I don't care." He continues. "It's none of my business if you want to dress like a slut and dance with random guys." He says as he finishes his drink.

       "You asshole! Fuck you!" I tell him as I throw my drink on him and quickly get up and say goodbye to Angel and them after making up a reason of why I'm leaving early and wishing her a Happy Birthday one last time.

       I then call for an Uber to come and take me home.

       Once I get to the house, I jump into the shower, get ready for bed and lay down in my bed while looking up a few stories on Wattpad and then almost an hour after I had gotten home and got into bed, I heard the front door downstairs slam really hard shut, then heard heavy footsteps on the stairs and tries to ignore it until I heard the door open wide and it hitting the wall really hard. Which startled me.

       I saw it was Ryan. "What the hell?" I yelled at him.

       "Don't you what the hell me! Who the fuck do you think you are?! Do you realize that this is NOT your house? Nor will it ever be? And you are to never and I mean NEVER disrespect me again, in that manner. Do you understand?" He yells at me.

       "Well you were being an asshole and disrespectful to me. Calling me a fucking slut cause I danced with one guy? I don't think so." I fired back at him.

       "Well maybe if you didn't dress like one, perverts like that douche bag, wouldn't think so." He says to me.

       "Get out." I tell him while trying really hard not to let him get to me and make me cry.

       "Fine. But just wanted to let you know the rules." He says as he then slams the door behind him.

       I don't know what my cousin and aunt were thinking, suggesting this place. The least they could've done was try and warn me about Ryan.

       I'm not even sure in why I'm crying right now. Maybe I'm still in mourning of my parents.

       There are so many emotions right now that I just can't, or more like, don't want, to feel. Either way, I end up crying myself to sleep tonight.


       For the next few days, I decided to try and make it a point to stay clear out of Ryan's way.

       So I would get up before everyone to go to work and then when I came home, I would make sure I made it upstairs without seeing him.

       Which for the past almost week, it was going good.

       Then this morning, while trying to try and work out, I was on the treadmill, walking at a good speed then I heard the door open and of course, it just had to be him.

       Though I ignored him and continued what I was doing. Then he came up beside me and began using the treadmill beside me and of course uses running as his first speed.

        He had taken his shirt off before starting then after he began, I suddenly had wished that I brought my music in.

        It wasn't until a little after he started that he began his tormenting of me.

        "You know that walking at that pace is going to take you longer to lose anything, right?" He says.

          I immediately stop the treadmill, put my hands on my hips as I turn and glare at him.

         "Okay, seriously, what the hell is your problem?!" I asked him. "I mean, seriously, I know you don't like me or the fact that I have to live here with the likes of you, cause trust me, I don't like this anymore than you do." I tell him.

         He then stops himself and looks at me now.

         "What are you doing here? Cause in case you haven't noticed, this ain't no daycare or anything." He says.

         "You got that right. I don'r know why my aunt and cousin chose me to come here. All I know is that I am here. And if you want me to move out then I will. But until then, let's just stay away from each other. Let's not talk or make any eye contact. Fair?" I say to him.

           "Fine! But I will find out who you are and what it is you're doing here." He tells me. Then he goes back to running on the treadmill and then putting in his earbuds to start listening to his music.

           "Good luck with that, Alpha." I mock him and then walk out of the room, slamming the door behind me.

           I feel I need to get some fresh air and some alone time. Away from everyone and everything. So I decide to try and find a place in the woods that are behind their house.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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