CHAPTER 13: The Dinner....

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       I am not sure exactly what all Ashley did the other night, but all I know is that for the past few nights, I had no nightmares, which was a first in a really long time and I slept really good. In fact, one of the best sleeps, I've had in a long time also.

       I guess maybe not all witches are bad. And plus, it was actually pretty cool, watching her put together what she did.

       Maybe being with a witch won't be so bad, I thought.

       Which speaking of that, tonight was the dinner with my parents.

       I had asked Angel to take Ashley out and get her an outfit for the dinner.

       Though Angel has been trying to help get Ashley ready for almost two hours now, while both Brody and I were waiting for them both.

       I thought it would take maybe an hour at the latest for them both to get ready, as I have invited Brody and Angel to go with us.

       While sitting on the couch and me tapping my foot as my patience is wearing thin, finally, I hear the bedroom door upstairs open and down came both Angel and Ashley.

       Angel looked beautiful as always, but Ashley. She was breathtaking.

       I never thought that was possible except for in the movies.

       Her dark medium length long wavy hair was pinned up a little on the side, she had subtle makeup on and a beautiful amethyst knee length dress that showed off her curves just right.

       When they got downstairs to his, I quickly snapped back to reality and hadn't realized I was staring at her until Brody, Angel and Ashley both laughed a little bit and then we headed towards the car my parents had sent for us and we headed over towards the house.

       Along the car ride, it seemed as though Ashley was a little nervous.

       Then for some reason, I suddenly had an urge to want to put my hand onto hers and to let her know there was nothing to be nervous about. Though right when I finally got the courage to actually do it, we pulled up to the house already.

        After getting out and walking up towards the house, before we could get to the door, my parents had opened the door and stood there in the doorway.

       "You must be Ashley." My mom says as she approaches her.

       "Yes, Ma'am." Ashley replies.

       "Oh please, that makes me sound old. Call me Anne." My mom insists.

       "Alright." Ashley smiles.

       "And this here is my husband, Edgar." She introduces my dad.

       "It's a pleasure to meet you." He says as both him and Ashley start to shake hands.

        Then after my parents said hi to me, Angel and Brody, we all headed inside and headed towards the dinner table.

        I ended up sitting next to Ashley, while Brody and Angel sat next to each other and across from us while both my parents sat at each end of the table.

        The dinner looked delicious and though I know my mother can cook and make nice fancy meals, I can tell she went all out cause Ashley is royal.

         "So, Ashley. How do you like our little town?" My mom asked her.

         "I like it. Everyone seems really nice and it's definitely not as small of a town as I had expected." Ashley replies.

         "And how is my son treating you?" She asks.

         "Mom?!" I tell her.

        "What? It's a question any mother would ask about her child. I want to make sure you are behaving." She replies as she takes a bite of her food.

         "He's been good. Better than he was when I first arrived." Ashley smiles.

         "Well, whatever he has done or said that wasn't appropriate, my apologies." She says.

         "Darling. You promised." My dad says to my mom.

         "Sorry." She says.

         "So, on a different note...." My dad started. "Ryan, how is your gym coming along?"

         "It's going a lot better since I laid down the hammer on them last week. Now it seems more possible for it to open on time." I reply.

         "Good. We are very proud of you." He says to me.

         We all continued to eat and shared a brief moment of silence before Angel said something.

         "The other day, Ashley showed us a cool trick." She says with a smile.

         We all looked at her as why she would randomly bring that up. Not that it wasn't okay or inappropriate or anything like that, it was more because it was weird.

          "Oh yeah?" My dad says as both him and my mom look at Ashley.

          "What's the trick?" My mom asks genuinely interested.

          "Guys, she's not here to entertain everybody." I interrupt.

          "I'm sorry, Ashley if we made you feel uncomfortable in asking, but I have always, personally, had an interest in magic." My dad says.

         "It's okay. And the so called 'trick' wasn't really a big deal. I just stirred my spoon in my mug, with my mind." Ashley says as she takes another bite of food.

         "That's cool." My dad says.

         Now, I'm not upset or anything about how my parents are acting right now, but I'm just curious as to why they are acting a little different around Ashley.

        They have met other witches before and never acted this way. Not to mention, they also met Ashley's parents before.

        I'm not sure why but I hope they stop. Cause in a way it's a little embarrassing. In fact, it's almost as though I have brought home somebody famous. Which I guess in a way, I sort of did. And she also happens to be my mate.

        However, I do admire the fact that Ashley seems to be able to handle herself very well and doesn't seem to be bothered by the way my parents are acting around her. Which thank god.

       After dinner was done, we had all gotten up and my mom gave her the tour and showed her around. Then the time had come for the night, where my parents were going to explain things to Ashley in what is really going on. Including the fact that we're mates.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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