CHAPTER 8: A Witch as MY Mate?! WTF?!

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        I was beyond pissed off. Not so much anymore at the fact she was a witch. But at the fact that she was the royal Princess and that both her parents were crossbreeds.

         I heard about a prophecy when I was a kid about how one day, there will be a crossbreed. Between a werewolf and a witch. And the child that they have together, will become the most powerful thing in the world. They be ruler of everything. Of all worlds.

          To be sure I was right, I needed to see my parents and let them know, if they don't already know, about her.

          Which after visiting my parents and after dinner was over, we went into my dad's study and there was where they reminded me of not just that prophecy, but another one. That will change the future of the human world, werewolves and witches forever.

           After taking a seat on one of the couches across from where my parents were sitting at and in front of the fireplace, they began.

            "Son, everybody that is brought into this world, rather it's a werewolf, witch or human. We all serve a purpose. Sure there is tension and unfortunately hatred between certain kinds, but we are all the same. We all want the same thing deep down inside. The prophecy we have told you about since you were younger had been fulfilled already by both her parents. Well, at least the first part of it, has been fulfilled. Yet there is more to that prophecy that we never told you about." My dad says as he takes in a deep breath and then let's it out before continuing.

           "What is it?" I asked.

           "Ashley, their daughter, is the only one left of their kind. Without her, there will be no more peace. There will be war. And if there is war, then there will be nothing but tragedy for a very long time. A lot of all kinds of species will die. The peace treaties between us, the humans and the witches, will be broken. These wolves that murdered her parents and are after her. They are more than just your typical rogues. And if they get to her and they kill her, then all of us and many others will cease to exist. Now she does not know her destiny yet. Though she will soon. And that power that will make her see and realize what her purpose is, will be a transformation deep inside her, that will give her a lot of different feelings and even pain for a little while. Because she is both witch and werewolf." He says to me.

         "Wait. Are you telling me that she is the future of all our kinds as is for hers as well?" I ask in disbelief.

         "In a way, yes." My mom says.

         "But, why is she here? I mean, I know that her cousin and aunt know about us and her cousin's a good friend of ours, but why did she have to come to us?" I ask them.

         "There are two reasons. One is that well, we are head of the council, though she isn't safe here. And the other...." My dad begins but pauses for a brief moment as he looks at my mom real quick.

        "What's the other one?" I ask them.

        "She's.....She's your Mate." My mom comes out and says.

        "My what? How the hell is that possible? I thought the prophecy with her parents were the only ones that did that." I say.

        "Yes, but, you see, that's the other part to the prophecy." My dad says.

        "This has got to be some joke." I tell them.

        "I assure you it's not, Ryan." My mom tells me.

        "This can't be real. I would be a joke. I would never be taken seriously ever again if anyone found this out." I tell them.

         "Oh......since when did you start caring about what other's thought, son?" My dad asks me.

         "Mom, dad. Please tell me this is a joke." I tell them.

        "It's not. And you son, you need to grow up. You are gonna turn twenty-four soon. She's twenty-two. It's the perfect time for all of this." My mom says.

        "But I have a business to run. I'm opening my gym in a couple of months." I begin.

        "You can still do all of that. But you need to grow up. You think that just cause we are head of the wolf council and you having the title as an Alpha is enough? It's easy to get a title. But is harder to keep it. You still have to prove yourself worthy of that title and the position of one day running the council. There is no more discussing this. She is your mate. You are to treat her with nothing less than with respect." My mom tells me.

        "Buy what about her scent? Don't you think that I would have smelled her as my mate?" I said to them in a way as though I had just caught them in a lie.

         "Son, forgive me for saying this but, do us a favor, don't let anyone know you're that stupid. You know the answer. The potion Ashley was given, works on all wolves, especially you." My dad says.

         Did he really just call me stupid? Man, I feel like they're teaming up against me.

         "Also son, another thing..." My mom began. "I would like to meet her. Perhaps we can have dinner this weekend."

         "Actually, I already have plans." I tell them. Though I have never mentioned the fighting that I host.

          "I see. Well, hopefully it isn't with that bimbo, Marissa, is it?" My mom says.

           "No. It isn't with her." I assure my mom.

           "Good. Let it stay that way. And as far the dinner goes, we will have it on Monday at six." My mom says with a smile.

           "Fine. Are we done?" I asked.

           "For now, yes." My dad says.

           We all then stand up give our hugs goodbye and I head straight home.

           I can't believe that Ashley is my mate. A Witch, is my Mate. Fuck, why me?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) In the chapter after next one, will be the leader of the pack of wolves that killed Ashley's parents and are after her, his POV will be explained. :) duhduhduh.......

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