CHAPTER 1: Hello, New Home

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        Right now I am on my way to some town in Maine.

        My home is in a castle that is located in England.

        You see, I'm not just one of the most powerful witch in the world, I am also royalty. And no, not to the queen of England and her family. But to the world of witches.

        About a month ago, my parents were both murdered by a pack of wolves. I found out they were rogues and were trying to get a hold of me. But I managed to escape, thanks to my aunt.

         Then as of a couple days ago, it was no longer safe to be there at home. So she called my cousin who lives in this town to see if I was able to stay with him. But, since he is a famous photographer and was travelling for work for a while, I was going to stay there alone.

          My cousin has always wanted to be like a human. Though he is great at magic and a really good sorcerer, he chooses not to be what he was born to be. And I always thought that was cool.

          Plus, I really didn't mind in staying by myself. Especially since my aunt gave me a potion that keeps the wolves from smelling my scent. So I figured I would be fine.

         However, she still was saying no until my cousin assured her I would be alright because he had another idea. He said that I would be able to stay with his good friend that owns a salon and had said that I can also work there too. The only problem was that it was a house filled of wolves.

         Which after all that just happened, I don't know what made him think it would be okay.

          However, I seemed to not have much of a choice. So I ended up agreeing and took a plane to here and am in a cab, on my way to his friend's house.

           She knew I was a witch, however, I was told also that I was to tell no one that in the house that I was a witch and my cousin said that she didn't know, nor should anyone else know, I'm royal.

          As soon as the cab pulled up to a huge house, I felt almost like it was a place right out of the movies and or a magazine. It was really nice, however, nothing like any other wolf pack houses I've been to before. It was beautiful.

         As soon as I got out, I took a look up at the place and took in a deep breath and let it out as I continued to walk up the driveway and then once I got to the door, I knocked

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         As soon as I got out, I took a look up at the place and took in a deep breath and let it out as I continued to walk up the driveway and then once I got to the door, I knocked.

         It took less than a minute for someone to open it up.

          It wasn't the person I expected to see. It was a tall but good looking guy who looked as though he could snap my neck with just one hand.

          "Can I help you?" He asks me.

          "Um, yeah. Is Angel here?" I asked while trying not to make it too obvious that I'm fearful of him.

         "Sure. Wait, are you Ashley?" He asks with a smirk.

        "Yeah." I reply.

        "Well please, come in. She's just finishing up a few things real quick and then she'll be in here." He says as he steps off to the side.

         "Thanks." I reply as I nervously walk inside.

         "Here, let me take your bags." He offers as he grabs my backpack and messenger tote bag. "Come on. I'll take you to your room." He says as he begins walking towards the stairs.

         I don't know why, but I just automatically began to follow him up the stairs. Despite feeling like he might turn around at any moment and kill me.

          Though after reaching the third room upstairs and him not killing me and then him opening the door and having me walk in first, I began to look around and noticed it had it's own bathroom and felt like I was in a suite at a nice hotel.

            "Wow. This is really nice. Are you sure this isn't for your Alpha or anything?" I ask.

          "No." He chuckles as he sets both my bags down onto the bed. "But he does have a room a couple rooms down the hall and mine and Angel's is right next door to yours. So of you ever need anything, we're here." He assures me with a smile.

          I had known right away he wasn't the Alpha cause of his demeanor and his build, wasn't like an Alpha's.

          "I appreciate it. And I don't mean to be a burden." I tell him.

         "Don't worry about it. It's cool. Any friend of your cousin, is a friend of ours." He tells me.

         "I appreciate it." I tell him.

        "Yeah. And don't worry, your secret is safe with me and Angel. But I do have to ask you, to please not put a curse on me." He says jokingly while winking at me and smiling.

        "I can't promise anything." I tease him back with a smile.

         We both then chuckle.

         "Well, I'll let you get settled in and everything." He says as he walks back towards the door.

          "Okay. Thank you. I'll be down in a minute." I reply.

          "Alright, see ya in a bit." He says before then closing the door behind him and I take a seat on the bed and take a look around and suddenly, reality hits me hard in where I'm at and why. To which I then start to break down and cry really hard.

           I miss my parents so much. And now, I'm in a house full of the same kind of creatures that took them say from me and in front of me.

         It didn't take me too long to freshen up a little and put things away and then start heading downstairs to meet Angel and everyone else.

          When I came down the stairs, I noticed Angel was in the kitchen. She looked just like the picture my cousin had sent to me. She was more beautiful in person though.

          As soon as I walked in there to see if she needed any help, she looked up and smiled big and excitedly came walking up to me and immediately greeted me with a huge tight hug. "I'm so glad to meet you finally." She tells me.

         To which I also hugged her back and said, "You too."

         Then as we pulled away, she took a step back real quick to look me up and down.

          "You are Curvalicious, I must say. Damn!" She says with a wink and smile.

           "Thanks." I chuckle a little bit as I have never really heard anyone tell me that before. Well, other than my parents. But I don't really think the same as she does, since I don't look like most princesses. But anyways, I'll just accept the compliment and shut up.

           "So are you." I tell her.

          "Awww, thank you." She says. "You're so sweet."

          "Yeah. So, do you need any help?" I ask her, to quickly change the subject.

          "Uh, yes please. That would be great." She replies as she grabs my hand and we head in to the kitchen and she has me roll some chicken in flour to make some homemade fried chicken.

           She told me that I would meet most of the pack tonight (the one's who live in here) and the Alpha. To which should be interesting. Ugh, first day here and I already have to meet the damn Alpha.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

The Alpha and HIS WitchDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora