CHAPTER 9: Lost and Alone

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I wasn't sure what to do exactly now. I didn't really expect the reaction from everyone else that I got, but, I guess it could've been worse.

Though after this whole ordeal and the fact that my secret was now out, I was afraid this would give Ryan more reasons to hate me. Although I'm not sure he could hate me anymore than he already does.

In fact, for the last few days, after my secret was out, it seems as though Ryan has been not just avoiding me more than usual, but also, it seems he has been more upset with me than he was before. Which I felt just had to be because of the fact I was a witch and was staying in his house.

Luckily for today, which happens to also be my day off from the salon, I took the opportunity in checking out a place I found through google that was a shop where they sold stones, crystals and things for witchery. I needed to get a few things and it's been a while since I have been in one. I'm hoping that even if they do recognize me, that they wont make a big deal out of it.

Since I have no car and nobody is home, I decided to take the bus.

Which it didn't take too long. And once I got off the bus, I headed into the shop and from the back, came whom I assume was the owner. In fact, she seemed familiar.

Right as she came out, she welcomed me and then stopped as soon as she saw me.

She had long dark maroon hair and looked to be 5'7 tall, around 55 years old, pale skinned and long pointed Elvira nails. She had many rings and a long short sleeved dress with a turquoise wrap over her shoulders and seemed to have a British accent.

"Princess?" She says.

'Shhhh.' I mouthed with my mouth and finger.

"Yes, it's me. But please, don't make it a big deal. I don't want anyone to know." I tell her quietly.

"Of course. My dear what are you doing here? Don't you know that this is a werewolf town? You are not safe here." She says.

"I'm okay. My aunt gave me a spell that prevented werewolves from picking up my scent. Besides, I'm staying with friends, temporarily." I assure her with a smile.

"Alright. Well, what can I do you for dear?" She asks as she begins to walk towards me again.

"I need to pick up a few things actually." I tell her.

"Of course. Anything you want, it's yours." She smiles.

"Thank you. I'm actually gonna look around a little bit." I tell her.

"Sure. Let me know if you need anything." She smiles at me and then begins heading towards the back again.

I start looking around and grab a few things and once I was done, I had paid for it and left with her card. She told me I could come back whenever and if I needed anything, ever, I could trust her.

To which I thanked her and then grabbed the bag of things I just bought and left.

While walking out I began walking up the small hill in town to look and see what other stores were there and I had found a few cute little ships, a cafe, diner, a few other nice places.

In which, a nice tea to go sounded really good. So I went in and looked at the menu and as I waited to order, I looked around to see the decorations and the sweet comforting atmosphere around me. It was a nice and welcoming cozy place.

That is until, I saw Ryan sitting with Marissa. I could tell it was her cause she has been the only one, so far, since I've been here, who dresses like she shops in the kid section.

I quickly look at the guy behind the counter who asks to take my order.

"Can I have a tea please?" I ask him.

"Sure. Large?" He asks.

"Yes please. And can I also have a muffin?" I add.

"Of course. Name?" He asks.

"Ashley." I reply.

"Alright. Your order will be up in a minute." He says.

"Okay. Thanks." I reply after I pay him and stand off to the side and wait for my order.

I look down at my phone and begin to see what game I wanted to play while waiting, when for some reason, I felt like I was being watched and instead of ignoring it, I looked up and there staring at me while on their way out was Ryan and he was scowling at me.

Which just made me roll my eyes at how ridiculous he is.

My order was up and in perfect time cause him and Ms. Bimbo left.

As soon as I left the cafe, I thought about going to the park for a little bit. It wasn't too far away from here and the day was too beautiful not to enjoy it.

Right when I got there, I had sat down on one of the benches and drank my tea, nibbled a little here and there at my muffin while looking at the playground and watching families play and have fun together.

That was always one of the coolest things I liked about humans and their families. They would go to the park and play.

It's funny cause when I was younger, my parents would always tell me that for years, people would dress up once a year as a witch. Cause there was so many little girls that wanted to do magic.

Yet while they wanted to do that, I always wondered what it would be like to be a human.

Not that I didn't enjoy being a witch, but, there's far more to it than the cool tricks you can do and the spells. Besides, I think people assume it's so much like the movies. In which I guess there are a few that are pretty or somewhat accurate.

But it's kind of sad really, cause when you think about it, no matter what you are. Human, werewolf or witch, we all have issues. We all have hatred towards others. We all have wars. And now that my parents are both dead, I feel lost and alone. For the first time in my life, I'm not sure where I belong.

I mean, yes, I am a princess and I do know all the spells there are, but, I'm not ready to run the world of witchery. It's a big responsibility that I'm not sure I qualify for. But hopefully soon, I will get some answers. Though for right now, I am not able to get a hold of my aunt at the moment. So I must wait.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)
Chapter after next will be the Alpha who is after her, POV. :)

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