"Deva," he whispered in agony.

"I'll be back. You don't need to cry." She kissed his cheek but he needed more.

He pulled her close and stole her breath within a heavenly kiss. "Don't get into any trouble."

He would save her if she ever did. "You don't trust me?" To behave, no he didn't.

"You're my Queen. I trust you with my life, with my heart."

She kissed him again, slowly to hold onto the feeling. "That's a lot of pressure."

"I'll wait for you."

Something was telling her he wasn't just talking about her visit to another kingdom.

"I won't be long then." She climbed out of bed before he could convince her to change her mind.

Izzy had picked out a burgundy dress that was tight on her curves. It had long sleeves and with high black stilettoes she was a force to be feared. Lucian had to transport her and her two bodyguards to cut the time getting there.

Jonathan and Henry cautiously walked behind her as she entered the grand hall with her head higher than a Queen's.

"Queen Deva, please this way." A man in a black suit led her in the direction of a marvelous sun room.

It had wide open windows with a forest of flowers to occupy her eyes for hours. From what she gathered in the first few seconds of her arrival was that King Derick paid close attention to detail. The corridors were spotless and decorated in unique modern pieces.

King Derick rose instantly to greet her. He was more dashing and exquisite than she remembered. Up close she could see the flawlessness he possessed. He was so poised and elegant kissing her hand respectively.

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She even felt a blush creeping up on her face.

He smiled, giving off a carefree atmosphere. It was strange to look at him and accept Izzy description of him being stiff as stone. Clearly he had no problem exercising his expressions of happiness.

"I'm so glad you came to see me. I know it was short notice so thank you." His long, thin eyes toyed with her as he took in her appearance. "You look stunning. Please join me for some tea."

"Thank you but I don't drink tea." Deva tried to remain pleasant and gracious but her nerves were acting up. He pulled out at seat for her.

He wasn't exactly intimating but rather too good-looking and friendly. She was not expecting it.

"Coffee then?"

She nodded and he signed to one of his servers.

"How are you? I know the royal life can be chaotic so be honest."

Royal Pain (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now