chapter 34

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I strap Darcy in her carseat then head out to the car. Darcy was spending the first night away from me so I could go to one of my friend’s birthday parties tonight. Tomorrow we were leaving for Holmes Chapel to go see Harry’s family.

“Here is everything that she should need.” i say handing my mum a few bags of Darcy’s stuff. I hand Darcy her turtle and carrot, her favorite toys right now. Then I kiss her forehead. “I’ll see you soon hunny.” I tell her waving as I walk out the door. She loved being with grams, but only when I or Harry was around. As soon as the door closed I heard her start to cry, but my mum got her to stop right away by bouncing her to sleep.


I got back to the flat and started getting ready for Casey’s party. I pull on a red crop top, my bow pants, and a pair of red wedges ( Then I braid my hair into a fishtail braid. Someone knocks on the front door. I run down the stairs to see who it is.

“Louis? What are you doing here?” I ask finding him standing in the doorway. He rushes in closing the door behind him, then crossing the few steps to me and crushing his lips against mine forcefully. I don’t even fight it this time, i just let his lips guide mine.

I bite his lip to make him stop. “OW!” he yells. “I said before that this is wrong for us to be doing.” I say stamping my foot. “He deserves this and more.” Louis says wiping the blood from his lip. “Wha-what are you talking about?” I ask. “Maybe you should have a chat with Harry when he gets back from the tours we’ve been doing.” Louis spats.

“What are you saying Louis? That Harry is cheating on me?” I say. “That’s exactly what I’m saying Brianna.” He says looking me directly in the eyes. “You’re lying.” I say to him trying to call his bluff. “No a single word I have told you is a lie Bri. And you know that.” He says not losing eye contact with me.

My legs slowly give out and i sink to the ground. Louis sits across from me, looking at me intently. “How long?” I whisper. “Three months before you came on tour with us.” Louis says. So right around when I had gotten pregnant with Darcy.

“How could he?” I wonder aloud. “I seriously have no idea Bri. You are an amazing girl and he doesn’t deserve your love.” Louis says sincerely. “But I’m basically doing the same thing to him by kissing you!” i exclaim. “It’s not right Louis, no matter how many girls he’s been with.” I tell him. Louis nods. “I know that. I’m sorry for it, but I just.. its just…. you invoke emotions in me that i’ve never felt before.” He says.

“What am I suppose to do Louis? I-I love him but if this is going to happen while he’s on tour, I don’t think we can work. This is not what I want for Darcy if he is gonna be sleeping around with random girls.” I say. “Tomorrow when you go to see Anne, have her watch Darcy for a bit and find a quiet spot to talk. I know you guys. Both of you can make it through anything. This is just something that you both need to come to terms with.” Louis tells me.

“What about you? What am I suppose to do with my feelings for you?” I ask him. “Well I will just have to come to terms with things too. And you don’t love me like you love Harry. I can see that now Bri. You have feelings for me, but nothing even relatively close to the love you have for him. Frankly I’m okay with that. I just like kissing you.” Louis says with a smirk. “You arse!” i say laughing. “I love you Bri.” He whispers. “Love you too Lou.” I say leaning against him. “Are you gonna talk to Harry?” he asks. “Mmmhm.” I mumble. I look at the clock and realize that I missed most of Casey’s party. “Wanna order a pizza since I already missed my friends birthday party?” I ask him.

If I'm Louder; A Harry Styles fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن