chapter 7

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I wake up to a letter on Harry’s pillow in the morning. With no sign of Harry, no sign of life in the house besides my feathery breathing. I reach over and unfold the note.


The flight leaves at 2pm. Had to go pack, come to the flat when you wake up so the boys and I can say goodbye see you later.

                                      xxx Hazza

I glance at the clock. 11:10am. I climb out of bed, walk over to my dresser and pull out some clothes for today. I leave my long, wavy hair to fall just passed my shoulder blades and pull on one of my black beanies. I call a car to take me to the flat, then text Harry and tell him I was on my way.


I decided to go to the airport and see the boys off. When we got there, we were swarmed by cameras. Harry protectively put his arm around me and pulled me close. “HARRY!” “HARRY! Is that your new girlfriend?” one of the paparazzis asks, then others start asking the same thing. Harry ignores them and keeps walking to the gates, with Paul herding the other boys the same way.

When we reach the gates, I give the 4 boys a hug and kiss on the cheek before they walked into the gates. “Be good for Paul and keep Harry out of trouble while I’m not there.” I tell them knowing they wouldn’t be on their best behavior at all. They all start laughing, even Paul, knowing that they would be getting in trouble a lot. I look over at Paul, “Good luck, they’ll be a handful for you. Keep a eye on em for us.” I say to him. He nods slightly, smiling then ushers the 4 boys through the gates so I had alone time with Harry.

Harry wraps his arms around me in a hug. “I don’t wanna say goodbye” He whispers in my ear. I could hear in the tone of his voice that he was going to cry, the tears for me were coming fast. “You’ll see me in a few weeks, Hazz.” I tell him, brushing a lock of hair from his eyes. “Months” he mumbles. “That’s too long for me to wait.” He says stroking my cheek with his thumb. “We’ll make it work, we’ll talk every chance we get.” Harry says when he sees the tears start silently streaming down my cheeks.

He wipes them away with his thumb, smiling trying not to cry like I was. I could tell he was being strong, trying to hold the tears back. “I know we will.” I tell him, trying to force a smile through my tears. He hands me a CD case. “When you miss me, listen to this.” He says pulling me in for a hug. We stand there holding each other for a while, until Liam walks over and taps our shoulders. “I’m sorry guys, but we have to go now.” Liam says apologetically. Harry gives me another hug, then a kiss on the forehead. “Behave” he says. “Same to you. Don’t be too hard on Paul and the other boys.” I tell him smiling. He winks, then Liam and him walk off to the gate.

At one point, Harry turns around and signs me a heart with his hands. Then turn back, wiping his face. I knew by then that he was crying, like me. I see Louis put his arm around Harry’s shoulder, trying to comfort him the next time he tried to turn around and find me. A few minutes later, I watch the boys walk through the gates after getting their tickets checked. I was left alone, the boys boarding the plane right now.


—-about 3 months later—-

I was getting packed to go meet the boys in the US. They had a few more days in the US before we headed off to Australia. Harry had no idea that I was coming, Louis and Liam set the whole thing up for me with a little help from Paul. I was set to fly out at 12PM, less that a hour away. I was beyond excited to see Harry again. I quickly hop out of the shower, pull on my sweatpants and white v-neck then head out to call a car to take me to the airport.


I take my seat on the plane, next to a man around mine and Harry’s age. He looks over at me and smiles adorably. “Hello my name is Richard.” the young man says offering his hand. “Brianna” I say taking his hand. “Where you from?” He asks curiously. “Holmes Chapel in Cheshire, and you?” I say to Richard. “Manchester” he replies with a sweet smile. “If you don’t mind me asking, but where is a lovely lady like yourself going?” He says beaming. In the pit of my stomach i feel butterflies from him calling me lovely. “I’m going to meet a few friend in New York.” I say, twirling my fingers.

We talked for a long time and before we knew it the flight attendant came by and told us we were getting ready to land. Richard looked over at me and smiled, i was really starting to love his smile. “It was a blast meeting you Brianna. Maybe while you and I are in New York we can go get some coffee or something?” He says, hopefully. “That would be lovely, but I have a boyfriend.” I say abruptly. His eyebrow furrow, “Oh i didn’t mean as in a date, i meant as in friends going out for some coffee.” He says chuckling deeply.

“Oh! Well. sure!” i reply a bit embarrassed. He takes out a piece of paper and writes his number down on it then hands it to me. “Call me when you want to have coffee.” He says with a wink, then gets up out of his chair to grab his carry ons. We board off the plane. I see Richard go off in the opposite direction, with me going straight in one direction to find that blonde Irish boy i missed.


“Now, Bri, Harry doesn’t know you are coming so you better not be texting him.” Niall says after we climb into the car from the airport. I wasn’t texting him, I was texting Richard. “I would never!” I say laughing. “I mean it! This is a surprise for him! He hasn’t been very happy since we left. But when he sees you again I can just see the smile on his face.” Niall says. It finally starts sinking in that I was going to see Harry by the time we reach the interstate. Niall could tell. “You are going crazy! Geez settle down we are almost there!” he says laughing cutely. “But first, we are stopping for food cuz I am starving!” Niall says pulling into McDonalds.

“You want anything?” He asks looking over at me as he orders. “Mcflurry and chicken nuggets!” i say beaming. Niall orders the food as I go find somewhere to sit. He walks over to the table with a tray stacked high with burgers, frys, my shake and a pack of chicken nuggets for me. “I didn’t know if you wanted sauce so I just got you bbq.” He says taking a large bite out of his burger. Niall finishes before I do, then proceeds to order a Mcflurry for himself. I stuff the box of my chicken nuggets in my bag then head out to the car.

“How much longer?!” i say as Niall climbs into the seat. “About 5 minutes until we get to the hotel, but there are so many fans outside that it might take a bit to get through them.” he says with a apologetic smile. We get to the hotel in 4 minutes, but before we left McDonalds Niall put on a ball cap, sweatshirt and some avator ray bands to “blend in” with the people who were going to be at the hotel. I, on the other hand, didn’t even both because people wouldn’t know who I was. But boy was I wrong!

If I'm Louder; A Harry Styles fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن