chapter 29

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“push” the doctor says firmly to me. I squeeze Harry’s hand as i do what the doctor asks. Time was moving quite fast now. “last push!” The doctor announces. Harry peeks below to see what was going on. I feel his hand go slack in mine. Of course the pussy would pass out while I was giving birth to our child.

Another nurse comes in to try to wake him, when I hear the startling sound of a baby beinging to cry. Harry comes to as the doctor lifts our love bump in the air just high enough for me to see. “its a girl!” She announces with a smile. She was so small. So fragile. I wanted to hold my love bump but they take her away.

Her cries become distant. My head becomes cloudy, slowly I start to fade. “No! Brianna stay with me!” I hear harry plead as the beeping starts. “mother is going to crash!” A nurse yells. Everything becomes frantic.

Harry is pushed out of the room, I hear him beg to stay but they won’t let him. The beeping gets louder and louder. “crashing!” Someone calls. “get the paddles!” Another yells. I lose my grip on the world.

The last thing I see is Harry, tear filled eyes looking at me from my hospital door. “Dont leave us Brianna!” He screams. I try to tell him to hold on, but the words don’t form. My lights go out.

—-Harry’s POV—-

They kicked me out of the room as soon as Bri started to crash. I couldn’t handle this. Why is it when something good happens that something bad has to counteract it? The doctor walks out of Bri’s room looking around. She finds me and walks over.

“she’s stable now. But it will be a little bit before you can go see her.” She tells me. I nod. “what happened to make her crash?” I ask quietly. “one of the blood vessels broke, we didn’t know that she was bleeding internally, but we got her stitched up now.” The doctor explains. “And my daughter?” I ask.

“would you like to go see her?” The doctor asks with a smile. I had only got a brief look at her before they took her away from Bri and I. “yes please.”

We begin walking. Finally coming to a room. “there she is.” The doctor tells me pointing to a very small baby with a head of dark hair like my own. She looked just like her mother with little flecks of me playing in her genes. “She’s beautiful.” I whisper. “can I hold her?” I ask turning to the doctor. She looks at me, a bit sad.

“not for a while I’m afraid. She was born a month early, her lungs are still underdeveloped but you will be able to hold her soon.” She explains. Something on her belt buzzed. “sorry I have to take this.” She says looking at her pager.

I stand there for what seems like minutes watching my daughter sleep. Those minutes turn into hours. I feel a hand slip on my shoulder. I turn to find Louis looking at her.

“she’s beautiful just like her mum.” Louis says openly. I nod. “how is she?” Louis asks. “the baby? Her lungs are underdeveloped. Bri? Well I almost lost her again.” I say to him breaking down yet again. I slide to the floor. Louis sits beside me, holding me tightly.

He holds me for a long time without talking trying to comfort me. That’s something that I loved about Louis, he always knew how to comfort you without even talking.

He’s the one who breaks the silence. “Is she okay?” He asks. “they stitched her up and she’s awake now. But they won’t let me see her.” I say to him. He stands up. “get up. We are going to see her.” He says with a smile.

If I'm Louder; A Harry Styles fanficWhere stories live. Discover now