chapter 12

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Harry takes my hand and smiles at me, knowingly. “We were thinking that you might wanna sing a song with us tonight  on stage?” Liam suggests. I was stunned, i didn’t want to sing in front of that many people. “Erm…” I mumble. “It’s totally okay if you don’t want to love.” Harry says squeezing my shoulders lightly. “You can sing any song that you want if you want to do it.” Louis chimes in. “And you know if you don’t wanna sing you can always come out and chill.” Niall suggests.

“I-I don’t think I can get up and sing.” I tell the boys. Their faces fall slightly, but Niall lightens the mood, “I’m starving!” he says deeply into the microphone. That makes us burst out in a laughing fit.


It was just minutes until the boys went out onto the stage for tonight’s concert. Harry was pulling on his shoes, bare torso-ed. “If you want you can stay in here, or out on the backstage floor, or you can go to the side of the stage and watch too.” He says standing up. As he walks over to me, I couldn’t take my eyes off his defined stomach. Harry wraps his muscular arms around my waist. “Good luck” i whisper to him. “Thanks babe” he replies kissing me on the cheek.

He pulls away and puts his shirt on. I hand him his blazer to put the final touches on his outfit. Someone knocks on the door and I jump. Harry looks at me, chuckling. “Come in.” he yells to the door. The door swings open to produce a 20 year old something girl who worked with stage crew. “3 minutes til show time, Mr. Styles.” she says to Harry. “Thank you babe, be there in second.” he replies as she walks out without a single hesitation.

I lean over and kiss Harry’s dimples. He moves slightly, catching my lips with his; yearning me closer to him. He puts his hands on my cheeks pulling my mouth closer to his. I nibble on his lip, as he begins to moan with pleasure. “Erm. Harry…” we hear Louis call. Harry and I pull away, dazed. “Yeah mate?” Harry says not missing a beat. “Show time. Gotta hurry now.” Louis says tapping his phone. Harry kisses me one last time for a good measure. “We’ll finish this later.” he whispers lowly to where only I could hear him. I smile with pleasure as we head out to the backstage floor.

Harry goes over and puts his ear pieces in and grabs a mic. I decide that its time for me to head out to the main floor so I could watch the concert. The boys come out onto the stage moments later, the whole place erupts in screams. I look up and all five boys are smiling with joy. The fans love them.


“How’d you like the concert?” Zayn asks as the boys come off the stage from their final song. “You guys did amazing! The fans loved you!” I tell them. “Niall, I didn’t know that you could shake your hips like that.” I tell him winking. He looks and me a giggles. Harry finally walks off the stage. The boys head off to their dressing rooms as Harry and I begin to walk to his. “What took you so long?” I ask wondering. He slowly wobbles his way into his room. “Got hit with yet another glow stick in the balls. Those girls sure got good aim.” he says hold his package. I couldn’t help but laugh. “Stop laughing!” he whines. “Sorry hun. It’s quite funny on my end though.” I say giggling.

“It won’t be funny when I can’t reproduce.” Harry says in a shrill voice. “Are you saying that you want children?” I ask suddenly. “I’ve thought about it, maybe down the road.” he says thoughtfully. “I want a baby girl, named Darcy.” he announces as he pulls off his blazer. “Darcy is a beautiful name.” i say thinking about it. “And for a boy?” Harry asks looking at me.

“Aiden” i say smiling. “Aiden Cole.” I announce, liking the feeling that the name gave me. “Hmm I like that, Aiden Cole Styles. Has a ring to it.” Harry mentions. “Kind of like Brianna Rae Styles does.” Louis says popping into the door frame of Harry’s dressing room. “Shut it Lou!” I say blushing. He chuckles as he walks in. “Hey, hey i was just sayin.” he replies putting his hands up in defense. “So what’s the plan tonight?” Louis asks taking a seat on the couch. “Erm. dunno yet. What were you guys thinking?” Harry asks as he pulls on a clean pair of jeans.

“I don’t know that’s why I came to ask you.” Louis says sassily. “Ready?” Harry asks after he pulls on his shoes. Louis leads the way out of Harry’s dressing room with Harry and I behind him, giggling about absolutely nothing. We meet up with the boys in the hallway. Paul leads the way out to the van. Niall, Zayn, and Liam climb in the back as Louis climbs into the front. I begin to climb into the back when suddenly I fall to the ground. I hear everyone start screaming.


I’m drowning, slowly sinking into darkness. I hear people yelling but can’t make out the words. My vision blurred, i slur my words trying to ask what was happening. Before I could be answered my body feels like someone has lit it on fire. I begin to scream for Harry to help me but nothing, not a single sound comes out of my throat. Maybe if i try to be louder they would hear me. I keep trying, throat burning, but still no sound. I feel that my lungs were going to burst, slowly my breathing stops. My body begins to shut down, memories of my life repeating themselves over and over in my mind. The lights start to dim, it hurts too much i cannot stay awake any longer. Before the light goes completely out i manage to whisper “I love you Harry.”

If I'm Louder; A Harry Styles fanficWhere stories live. Discover now