chapter 2

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As soon as that one simple word came out of my best friend’s mouth, i dropped the glass of milk i was pouring right onto my foot. Milk flies everywhere, including on my clean clothes. “OUCH!!!” I yell as the glass lands on my foot. “Are you okay?!” Harry says. “I’m fine Harry!” I say laughing, but wincing at the pain in my foot. “Thank God it didn’t break on your foot, then we would have been screwed!” Harry says laughing.

“I am going to go change once again.” I say as i begin to walk upstairs. I hear Harry following after me. He takes my hand and walks me to my bed room. He walks over to the bed and flops down. I go to my dresser and pull out a pair of clean pants, a shirt and a fresh pair of socks since the milk went through my shoes too.

Harry buries his face beneath my blankets and pillows, being a gentleman and letting me change. I slowly peel off my pants, I hear Harry huff. “What?” I ask. Below the heap of pillows, blankets and Harry, i hear him mumble something. “Huh? i can’t understand you.” i tell his mumbling. I was just beginning to pull my pants on when he whips his head up from beneath the materials. “I said it’s hot under there!” He says looking at me.

He buries his face quickly, but not before i noticed his cheeks turning a rosy shade of red. It was normal for Harry and I to get dressed in front of each other, we have been since we were really little. And well, Harry likes to be unclothed a lot of the time so it didn’t matter to him to change in front of me.

I start pulling on my kitty socks that Harry got me a few weeks ago, when i feel his arm slip around my waist. He pulls himself to the side of the bed near me, never removing his hand from my side. “We never got to finish that discussion.” He says bluntly. When he answered my question right before i dropped the milk. “I do love you more than a best friend, Brianna.” He says testing me. “I love you too Harry.” I say stroking his cheek.

He looks at me with longing in those blue-green eyes of his. I wish he would just take the hint and kiss me, i think to myself. He leans a little closer, then quickly leans away. I huff out a sign. “What’s wrong?” Harry asks gently. “You take hints real well.” I tell him laughing. “Huh?” he says confused. I lean over and plant my lips right onto his. I feel him tense slightly, but it fades just as fast as it came.

He starts kissing me back. I felt my pulse begin to race, and my heart start jumping with joy. Harry slowly leaves a trail of tiny kisses leading to the base of my neck. I lock my hands into his curly hair and guide him forward as i lay down on my bed. I place my hands on his cheeks and pull him to my lips again.There’s a slight rap at my bedroom door. I feel Harry freeze and move off of me quickly.

If I'm Louder; A Harry Styles fanficWhere stories live. Discover now