“I also wish for that to happen,” I spoke silently, but by the expression on his face that I saw once I averted my gaze up, he heard me. Shoot.

“You do?” He breathed out, looking taken aback by what I said. I looked to the ground once more before speaking.

“I do.” I felt one of his fingers under my chin, tilting it upward slowly and delicately.

“I love you,” He whispered and there was this familiar, electric jolt which ran up and down my spine, causing me to shiver, and felt those butterflies erupting in the pit of my stomach.

How could three simple words have this huge effect on me? It is like I am being drawn to him each day more than the day before, and I couldn’t help myself from falling anymore into his webs. I’ve considered several times the odds of me loving Harry back, and it seemed that he wouldn’t hurt me no more. Even if I didn’t want to, I was being pulled deeper into him whether against or with my own will. It was like he was like the sun, and I was a simple object drawn to it by its powerful gravity; gravity I can not resist.

But what is it that I feel towards him exactly? Is it just a simple, emotional feeling that could be controlled, or is it love? How am I to be sure of my feelings towards him?

I do like Harry and admire him for everything he has done for me, for helping and mending me in order to be able to stand the pain I once felt after Josh. And I absolutely find him gorgeous and charming. Not only that, but I find Harry’s personality amazing and I want to be around him most of my time. I also have the will to help and defend him since he has done the same, and if one day I needed to help Harry by sacrificing anything, I’d do it without hesitation. Then it hit me, I don’t only like Harry and have feelings for him, I love him.

I am in love with Harry, all over again, all the way from the start.

“What?” His deep voice woke me from my trance, and I looked up at him to find his facial-expression puzzled, as well as perplexed.

“What?” I repeated, not knowing what he meant.

“You – You love m- me?” My lips parted and I felt as if everything around me started spinning, spinning so violently I felt like falling at any minute. “I h- heard you. You – You were saying that you l- love me! Is that true?” His voice was filled with hope and long.

What do I say now? I’ve just discovered that I am falling for my once ex-boyfriend and I am supposed to tell him the minute I do? I didn’t know what to do; do I lie or do I tell the truth. After all I, myself, need some time to figure this thing out. But my tongue betrayed me.

“Uh, y- yeah,” I breathed and cursed mentally at my fucking instability. What did I just do? How am I supposed to take that back? But after thinking for a while, why do I have to it back? It’s the truth, isn’t it?

“What? Are – Are you serious? Oh my god. Oh my god, Annabeth,” And suddenly, I felt my weight lifted off of the ground. Harry’s arms were around my waist, carrying me up in the air to reach his height level, and that’s why my legs were dangling above the ground with only couple of inches.

Though I was just above the ground with some inches, I felt like flying with the same birds I saw back then at the park. I felt like there was nothing wrong with my life anymore, as though all the problems have vanished. It was magical, how I was capable of feeling something emotional after all the hurt and pain, but it just happened.

“Let me down, Harry, let me go.” I said through fits of laughter and giggling. After being sat down on the ground, I looked straight into his green eyes, which suddenly looked a hundred times more charming.

“Never, I’m never letting you go,” He sincerely spoke, making the same butterflies in the pit of my stomach do these weird flips of theirs.

“I love you, Anne.”

“I love you, Harry.”

It felt nice, saying that you love someone back. It has been so long since I was able to say those three words I have been longing to say or at least feel. Harry was some sort of a dream come true to me; he was the person who helped me not only overcome the pain, but feel something all over again. And I owed him my life for that.

I felt his warm arms wrap themselves around my upper torso and push me closer to him, only to connect our lips together. Electricity once again started making its way through every vein of my body and I felt like the happiest person in the world at this exact moment. 

Then while we were kissing, that dream made its way through my mind. “Everything’s gonna be fine” they both told me. And up till this moment, everything was more than fine; perfectly fine.

Terribly sorry for the EXTREMELY short chapter.  

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