He was sitting down on the unmade bed as his hair was stuck to his forehead as he had just gotten out of the shower. It had help him think as the cold water hit his body. Looking to his night stand as he saw the clock that it was barely pass seven. Not knowing when she was getting home made him worried.
He had already made his decision on both side of his relationship as he knew that one of them wasn't going to be happy. Yet it was the best for him and his health. Taking a breath as he kept himself entertain while he waited for Kendall. He would watch a movie that was over two hours long. Write two letters on how he felt for Demi and Kendall. He wasn't going to give it to them but it felt good just having it on something other then his mind.
He was half way done with Demi's letter when he heard the front door being open. Looking up from his seat as he was in the kitchen table with a half empty cup of coffee. Hearing her high heels click as she call out for him.


Kendall said as she walk into the kitchen with a raise eyebrow. Seeing Harry sitting on the kitchen table as he close his notebook hiding his letters as he put away his black pen.

"What are you still doing up? I thought you would be asleep by now."

Kendall said as she walk to the table taking the seat next to Harry. Smiling at him as she reach out to grab his hand, which Harry pulled away.

"I was waiting for you. I wanted to talk to you about everything. I made coffee if you want some. We really need to talk. "

Harry said as he look back at the kitchen where he had left the pot with black coffee in it.

"Oh uh...okay"

Kendall said as Harry stood up to make her a cup of coffee. Adding milk and sugar as he knew how she liked it. Taking a breath as he wasn't ready to have this talk yet. When he came back he saw that she was reading one of the letter he had wrote. Which made the blood ran away from his face. Kendall look up at him with tears in her eyes as she stood up from the seat.

"Who's Demi?"

Kendall ask as Harry rush to the table placing the cup on it. Looking at Kendall as he tried to figure out what to say. Tears were being to form in her eyes as her chest tighten. Taking a step forward making Harry take one back.

"Who is Demi?!"

Kendall scream on the top of her lungs as Harry tried to figure out what to say to her. He wasn't expecting her to find the letter.
Making her hand into a fist as she scrubbed up Demi's letter. Trying to calm herself down as it didn't help.

"When did this happen? Who is she? I can't believe you actually cheated on me ! How long has this been going on?"

Kendall ask as she honestly didn't want to know the answer to the last question.

"Kendall let me explain."

Harry said as he touch her shoulder but ended up with a hurt cheek. Touching the place where she had slap him before watching her break down. He watch as she drop to the floor as she cover her eyes with her hand. Harry bend down to help her relax but it only cause her to begin to hit him. She hit his hard chest with her small hands as she only said I hate you.
Not knowing what to do as to either help her or just leave.

"I can't believe you cheated on me. How long Harry? Why didn't you tell me that you were unhappy? Why didn't you...?"

Kendall said as she began to hit him with her fist and scratching him with her nails. Harry grab her wrist quickly as he pull them away from him.

"You ever never here. I tried to make the best out of what we have. But you never fucking listen. You were always at work or on the phone doing who knows what. I was unhappy that time you didn't show up to dinner. I felt unhappy for the last few months after we got engaged. That I didn't know who to count on. That night when you wanted to talk I couldn't because I didn't want things to work out. I hate how our relationship is. I don't want it to work out. I want to ended it. I don't love you anymore. I love Demi."

Harry said as Kendall finally stop hitting him as she just began to cry.
Harry let go out Kendall as he told her that he could drop her off at her sister if she didn't want to stay here. She only scream at him to get out. Harry quickly grab his bag as he walk out of the door. Heading to his truck as he got into the driver side before placing the bags on the passages side. Turning on the truck as he was ready to leave his life with Kendall for good.
Pulling out of the driveway as he took one look at the house again.

"This is what's best for me."

Harry said as he began to take the long drive with his friend's house. Pulling out his phone to call him, letting him know that he was on his way.
He was halfway there when he finally broke down. Tears ran down his face as he thought back at Demi. Pulling over to the side of the rode as he put his truck in parked. Taking off his seat belt as he quickly wipe away the tears from his eyes. He needed to calm down or he'll get into a reck. He stayed there for half an hour before his breathing could be under control. His mind was captured with Demi's beautiful smile and her amazing laugh. He found it so cute as she always ended up with her cheeks being a bright pink.

"If I could fly I'd be coming right back home to you. "

Harry whisper as he remember how easily it was for him to write that song. He was head over heels for her that his heart just spoke for him.
He stayed there for a few more minutes before he got out of his truck. Making sure it was lock as he took a notebook and a pen with him. The cold wind hitting his body as he just wanted to clear his mind.
Only hearing the clicking of his boots with every step he took before entering the park. Heading by the fountain where he had sang to Demi his first song he had written in years.
Hearing the water slowly falling as the sound calm him.
Taking a seat by a near bench as he thought back at the last few months.
Kendall and Demi being the main thoughts.
Every single time he thought about those two it was bittersweet. How badly he just wanted to show the world that she was his. Look deeply into her brown eyes as he brush away a piece of her soft hair away. He wanted to place his lips against her gentle one and disappear from the world. Hearing a honk as he look up from his seat as he could see a diner up head. Thinking it would be best to go to Louis with dinner already taken care off.
Walking away from the fountain as he grab his things. Shivers ran down his spine as he could see that the dinner almost empty. He found it so perfect as it would be nice and quite. Crossing the street as there was hardly any light left in the sky. Opening the door as the little bell on top of the door rang. Harry look up at it before taking a step inside the building. Having a tight grip on the book as he went to a corner that was empty.
The perfect place to write down his thoughts. Taking a seat as he place down the book. Not even a minute pass when a waitress came and ask for his drink before handing him a menu. Only ordering a water as she let him take a look at the menu while she went to get a cup of water.
Ordering a cheeseburger with fries as he return the menu.
Within 15 minutes he got his meal as he stayed quite as he thought back at past events.

Maybe for once I'll feel free.

Harry thought to himself as he took a bite from his burger. He soon finish his meal as the waitress ask if he would like something else. Ordering a cup of coffee as he pull out his notebook and pen. Soon getting his cup as he just stayed there watching the day sky get darker with time.

He slowly wrote in his book as he just stay there for a couple of hours. Not wanting to go to Louis's just yet with so much on his mind.
By the time he left he had written a heart breaking song. It spoke what he thought when Demi's in his mind. He wanted to play it to her soon. There was still a few things that needed to be fix before that.

Could y'all guess what song it is?
And thank you demi1dlove for the new cover of WOS.


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