Renacimiento: 38

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Morpheus woke the boys up very early in the morning, they ate breakfast then went outside after numerous complaints from Emmett.

They were each given a kimono to change into before they went outside.

Each one was a different colour, each uniquely designed to facilitate each of their individual powers and abilities.

Mallack's kimono was red, Mario's was brown, Fletcher's was black and Emmett's own was white.

"This is so cool, I bet we're going to play some kinda of combat game or something." Emmett exclaimed.

Morpheus joined them outside with three other strange men, two of them were natives, the other was a tall brown haired fellow with stormy grey eyes, all of them were in black.

"Mario, this is Master Venom, he came a long way to assist you on your road to becoming a true werewolf, do you accept him as your master?" Morpheus asked Mario, the muscular native with a magnificent beard and big eyes knelt in front of him.

Mario looked down at the man dressed in long black robes and fur.

"Yes." Mario said not wanting to be disrespectful.

Master Venom rose and examined Mario.

"Speak with more conviction son, and no slouching, a wolf stands with pride and exudes power and ferociousness." The man said in a commanding voice.

Mario straightened his back, Master Venom knocked Mario down with a sweeper kick, he fell backwards, but luckily landed on his hands.

"What the hell was that?" Fletcher exclaimed.

"Rise young wolf, I will train you, if you can catch me." Master Venom said helping Mario to his feet.

"What do you mean?" Mario asked.

"You must use your senses, your werewolf senses, all of them to track me down." Master Venom said then transformed into a huge seven foot man- wolf, covered with black fur, equipped with sharp claws and fangs.

"Show me your true self." The man said in a deep spine chilling tone, the boys backed away out of the way, instinctively even Fletcher.

Mario started to transform, his muscles expanded, hair covered his entire body and his claws protruded, even from his toes, he grew several feet taller, until he hunched over.

"Now we are talking." Master Venom said.

"Remember young wolf, use your instincts and senses." Venom said then sped off towards the forests, almost as fast as Fletcher would have.

"Go!" Emmett and Mallack shouted.

Mario was about to run off when Fletcher stopped him and handed him a piece of the man's ripped clothes that he left behind.

"Remember your senses, go."

Mario ran off after the man reasonably fast.

Emmett and Mallack ran after him to watch, Morpheus dragged them back by their ears.

"Mallack! This is master Tempest, one of the oldest dragons alive today, he has agreed to train you on a trial basis, you have to prove to him that you are worthy, do you accept him as your master?" Morpheus asked gesturing to the man in red and orange leather from head to toe, he knelt in front of Mallack.

"Yes, I've been dying to have a dragon master." Mallack said releasing his wings and tail.

"First we fly." Tempest said then jetted into the air leaving a trail of fire, Mallack sped after him.

A Sandman's Reality: The Demi God ChroniclesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum