No longer dreamers: 6

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Emmett woke up early the next day, he wanted to make sure he had time to tell Fletcher what happened before class.


"I'm on my way over, where you at?" Emmett asked.

"I'm still getting dressed."

"You won't believe what happened yesterday." Emmett replied.

"What happened?"


Fletcher's house.

"Mom have you seen my purple jacket?"

"It's in the laundry room, in the white basket."

He ran downstairs and got his jacket. His mother's tone was somber, he could tell she wanted to tell him something, but he had a feeling it was bad news, he hated bad news.

"Thanks, I'm leaving now bye mom."

"You're not going to eat something?" his mother asked.

"No, Emmett's picking me up, I don't wanna make him late."

"Your father called." His mother said brushing back her black hair.

She looked at him as if she was trying to read his mind, to get an idea of how hearing about his father, for the first time since she told him he left, shortly after he was born years ago.


"He wants to meet you."

Fletcher just stood there looking at his mother, he dropped his backpack that he was holding without meaning to, and let silence safely coexist with his very loud and confusing emotions.

"I know this seems sudden."

"Why now?" Fletcher asked.

"I- I want you to hear it from him, I haven't told you everything there is to know about him and yourself." She said looking down.

"What does that mean? Are you saying you lied to me?"

"Yes, and I'm sorry sweetheart but-"

"Emmett's here, bye." Fletcher replied then stormed out.


"You are not going to believe what happened on my date last night."

"She stood you up, or did her tattooed older boyfriend come and beat you into last week? Or I guess he beat you into right now."

"She transformed into an old woman, captured me and tried to cut my wings off." Emmett exclaimed as he drove away from Fletcher's house.

"Wait, are you serious?"

"Fletcher look at my face, the b tied me up and tried to cut my f#cking wings off, she and three other guys."

"So your wings came out while you were in your physical body?"

"Yeah, I was surprised too, I thought I could only do it while in spirit form."

"You shouldn't have been able to do that, as far as I know the only thing you can do while in your physical form is put people to sleep." Fletcher replied.

"Wait if I can put people to sleep that easily why do I go through all the trouble of bringing them to the dream world?"

"If you were to just put them to sleep they wouldn't be able to enter the dream world and they would have a very uncomfortable sleep, that's what some of the early Scandinavian sandmen did that's how the myth got started and that's why sandmen aren't depicted with wings because no human has ever seen them with wings and remember it."

A Sandman's Reality: The Demi God ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now