Dreamer: 1

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This is the story of how I discovered that I wasn't alone, that I wasn't the only one who sometimes got unexplained glimpses into the supernatural world, the story of how I discovered the truth about everyone around me and the world.

Hi, I'm Emmett, some people call me Oreo, because my parents are white and I'm black and no one cares that Oreos are actually black on the outside so that name wouldn't technically make sense Jared from 6th grade!

Anyway, this is the story of how I became a Vir De Somnio.

The day that changed my life, started like any other, only some how it didn't.

For as long as I can remember, I always had lucid dreams that I always remembered, even when I didn't want to.

That day I experienced what was probably a regular nocturnal experience, basic REM sleep.

I was on my third '15 minute snooze,' when my alarm woke me for the last time.

"Ugh!" I groaned then went back to sleep or tried to, I needed more time, I felt like I hadn't been sleeping.

My grandmother used to say when you sleep, your spirit roams, I always like the idea, but the part where your spirit might never come back if you slept too late used to terrify me.

That morning it felt like my spirit had really roamed the world all night and it felt like I was awake for all of it.

I ended up jumping out of bed, right in the middle of a delicious dream, I got that suspicious, 'I'm getting way too much sleep,' feeling.

"7:30! Oh crap." I exclaimed rushing to the shower, got dressed and rushed downstairs where my dad was having coffee while my mom fed my baby sister Calpurnia.

"Hey mom, hey dad." I said as I rushed into the kitchen to get some orange juice.

"Morning." they replied simultaneously.

"Slow down you're going to get orange juice all over your shirt ag.."

I spilled the Orange juice on my plain white under shirt before my mother finished warning me.

"That's just perfect, now I've got to go back and change like I'm not late enough!"

"And whose fault is that? Here put this on." his mother said handing him a different white shirt.

"Thanks mom."

"Don't thank her yet."

"We need you to watch Cali today."

"Oh wow look at the time I have to go might be back late too, so bye!" I shouted and attempted to leave.

"Emmett it's just for a few hours, your dad and I are going out."

"You're grounded if you don't." My dad threatened.


"Whaaat? We need this." He whined.

I had trouble focusing, on anything, which was strange, I was usually always aware and present, but I was a little unsure if I was dreaming or not.

Because my dreams usually crossed over into like a second reality, every now and then I'd wonder, what if I've been asleep this entire time?

Could I be a grown man dreaming about his childhood?

What if I'm in a coma?

"Hey, Emmett?" My dad called waving his hand in my face.

"Can't Portia do it? It's not like she's got anything better to do"

"Hah come on you know she doesn't listen to us, ever since she became a 17 year old woman." dad replied.

A Sandman's Reality: The Demi God ChroniclesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora