When things fall apart: 9

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Emmett's P.O.V

I don't think I've ever seen myself as mad as I was that night, people thought Fletcher was the one with the bad temper between the two of us, because I was always smiling and he wouldn't hesitate to check someone.

Deep down I was angry all the time about a lot of things I couldn't change, I knew I could change what was happening and I decided I was going to fight with everything I had.

I wasn't afraid like the first time the creatures attacked, I was done being afraid, done reacting.

The flaming sword that appeared in my hand was like an additional body part, it felt familiar and I just instinctively knew how to use it, I was taking down dream eaters like they were flies.

Sueno was shooting plasma beams, Fletcher was doing the same, protecting my rear, Morgan stood in between us.

"Emmett, we have to leave now, you need to be in the physical world." Fletcher said, two dream eaters tried to catch me off guard, but Fletcher did just that to them with a couple plasma balls.

"Let's go then." I said, I was getting a little weak, the sword was very heavy.

"That's gonna be hard, on this side it's impossible to know where we'll end up after finding a door, we could find ourselves on the other side of the world dreamer might be able to stay in this form for longer in the physical world, but he still has to return to his body." Sueno replied.

My flaming sword was starting to fade, my strength was fading too.


"Morgan." I shouted turning to see her being taken away by a dream eater.

"Bring her back, you monsters!" I shouted trying to stay strong, but my sword disappeared all together.

"Bring us your wings or the girl dies, come to us when the moon is full or else." A very hideous five armed spider like creature with one huge eye said then disappeared into the woods with Morgan whose screams echoed in us long after they were gone.

"No." I screamed running after her.

Sueno grabbed me, I tried to escape Sueno's grip ferociously, but he was stronger than I was, he summoned a door and forced me through it.


"How could you? She needs our help how could you just leave her? How could you?" Emmett exclaimed shoving Mr Sueno.

"There's nothing we could have done for her." Sueno replied running his hands through his hair frustratingly.

"Liar, we could have saved her you monster, we have to go back, take me back now!" Emmett demanded, he was exhausted, he could feel his spirit yearning to return to his body, but he couldn't leave her.

"You can't go back, that would be suicide, you need to get back to your body." Sueno replied.

"Emmett he's right, as much as I hate to admit it, you can't go back, not now."

"Fletcher, she's our friend we have to save her, we can't just leave her to die or become one of them!"

"I won't abandon her."

"I said we can't now only because you'd have to be in your physical body when we enter, so then there won't be any limit to how long you can stay or what you can do there." Fletcher said.

"That's not possible, you need to be a spirit to cross the threshold." Sueno replied.

"That's not entirely true, there's a medallion that can allow a physical being to enter, we just have to find it before the next full moon in there, 2 days from now." Fletcher replied.

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