"High" School Gene!: 3

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"Look you've been feeling like you're missing out on reality, like it's all been one big dream, right?"

"H-how did you-"

"I know what you are. What you have to do is very important, it helps keep the balance between us and our subconscious minds. Follow me to the science lab at school." Fletcher replied.

On the way there Emmett realized he wasn't walking, he was hovering, he didn't even notice his new wings were flapping.

"Okay, we're here. Explain all of this." Emmett asked standing in front of the school's main doors.

"First we go inside."

"How?" I asked.

"There's only one way, but you have to be sure you want to go beyond this point, because once you pass this threshold there's no turning back, this is your life."

"Yes, you said that this is important already, that it keeps the balance, I don't want to mess with that."

The world was starting to make sense, the new chaos explained the old confusion.

"Okay, you have to walk through the door, but you can only do that if you let go of the physical world." He replied.

"I thought that's what I did when I left my beautiful body! Back there which better be in perfect condition when I get back, Fletcher."

"Okay dude, your body will be just the way you left it when you go back so it won't be perfect."

"You are in a spirit form now, but you can still conjure a tangible body, to let go of the physical world, you have to enter the spiritual plane."

"Okay, why did that make sense to me?" Emmett asked.

"Because you were born for this. To let go of the physical world you must stop thinking of yourself as a physical being  now there's a way to tell if you've done that." Fletcher replied with a creepy smirk.

"Okay let go of my body, spiritualize, okay, I'm ready." Fletcher replied with no clue what he was doing.

"Cool, now I have to test you." He said still smiling.

"Okay test me." I replied and Fletcher slapped him across the face.

"What the f#ck was that?" Emmett exclaimed ready to sucker punch him.

"I'm sorry, but that is the only way to find out and I've heard the fear of getting hit shocks you intangible, okay are you ready?"

"Wait, okay go."

Fletcher tried to slap him again, he dodged instinctively.

"Dude, why'd you dodge?" Fletcher asked smiling.

"Reflex, I couldn't just let you slap me again, and why do you seem happier than usual? Are you enjoying this?"

"I smoked a little just before leaving my body. Stop thinking about getting hit we're running out of time."

"How are you high as a spirit?"

"My spirit is connected to my subconscious mind which cannabis has an effect on. Focus."

"Okay, go again, I'm ready, let's do this shit." He replied closing his eyes.

Fletcher slapped the shit out of him once more, he tried to hit him back, but his hand went right through him.

Emmett groaned frustrated.

"Okay Emmett, I didn't want to tell you this, but whatever happens to you in this form happens to your physical body as well, so there's a red mark on your face right now and its only getting brighter."

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