Biting sand: 33

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I don't wanna wake up, I don't wanna open my eyes even as my dream ends I know that if I wake up there's a chance I might be dead and those were memories not dreams.

I don't want to walk amonst the dead, to be stuck between this word and the spiritual realm, doomed to watch the living.

"Fletcher!" Emmett shouted.

"Dude, why the f#ck are you shouting?" Fletcher shouted back, opening his eyes, realisation hit, he was awake he could see Emmett and he could see him, that must've meant he wasn't dead, unless they both were.

So why is my heart not beating?

"Touchy." Emmett said standing over him.

"Our 'saviours' are calling you, you're gonna love this." Emmett said sarcastically.

Oh so they were the ones who came through that portal, I wander what happened to the twins... I hope they burned. I know what I'm becoming and I knew he wanted my blood for something bad, but I never imagined this.


"You're telling me we've been asleep since yesterday evening? Wait, what happened to Mario and Morgan?" Fletcher asked, both August and Julius who were standing on the porch of August's cabin.

"We took them home. You boys are lucky you haven't passed on or worst." Julius replied.

"What could be worst than that?" Emmett asked.

"Having your souls disintegrated by those two psychos, what were you thinking challenging them to a duel? After I told you to call me the minute you got in trouble, but no you didn't decide to call until you were on the verge of death." August said.

"Wait what? He didn't call you." Fletcher said.

"Yeah, I didn't have my phone." Emmett replied and both Julius and August laughed briefly.

"Guess we should have explained how to call out to a celestial. " Julius says.

"How to what?" Fletcher asked confused.

"Okay if Fletcher doesn't know then it must not be common knowledge I'm sure." Emmett said.

"It's something only gods and the children of gods can do, its ike sending an SOS via with magic, that's how we found you, you did that." August said to Emmett.

"And appearantly without knowing you were doing it, that's impressive." Julius added.

"That said, to our reason for calling you boys, the situation with Ezekiel has escalated and we now know Juanorsean is working with him, he and a lot of powerful Gods that you don't even want to hear about."

"So what does this mean for us?" Fletcher asked.

Both August and Julius shared an awkward look before responding.

"We're pulling you boys out of school in a week maybe less, we've totally overlooked Ezekiel and the Hive's interest in you boys, you're key elements in his ploy to have Morpheus join his cause." Julius said sternly making eye contact with both boys.

"What! You can't just do that!" Fletcher exclaimed unable to say more without exploding.

"I don't think you understand the magnitude of the situation you're in." Julius replied just as upset.

"You can't tell me how to live my life because it was just fine until you showed up."

"Well that's too bad because I'm still your father and what I say goes."

A Sandman's Reality: The Demi God ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now