Middle ground: 14

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"What is it, Leah?" Sueno asked ominously.

"He might end up flooding this place with his tears." Leah replied mirroring Sueno's inauspicious tone of voice.

"Is that even possible?" Fletcher asked using his imagination to conjure an umbrella, the others copied his actions.

"All things are possible here, as long as you believe though certain things only a child can create here, for instance you will note when ever an adult creates something it disappears soon after its been used, but whatever a child creates last forever, and it seems that your friend is very in touch with his inner child." Peter stated as a small boat appears next to him, he entered it.

"I would advise you to do as I just did, it seems we are to row to Neverland."

Fletcher, Leah and Sueno all looked at Peter as if he was insane until the rain drops became much larger in mass and more colossal not to mention the immense velocity at which it was falling.

Before they knew it they were floating on shallow waters that were quickly becoming deep.

"Hey Fletcher, tell your friend he can't flood an entire dimension right this minute." Sueno shouted.

Fletcher glared in response.

"Emmett, you have to stop, we need to save Morgan, remember, get back down now!" Fletcher shouted.

Emmett came flying out of the clouds on cue, looking unexpectedly chipper.

"I saw it, I saw the place where they're holding Morgan and I think I have a plan, one involving all this water." Emmett shouted to Fletcher, soaked from his head to toe.

"What plan?" Sueno asked.

"I have to know if I can trust you, that you're only here to help us get Morgan back." Emmett retorted.

Sueno sighed and exhaled dramatically.

"Yes, you can be sure that is all we intend to do." Leah answered for Sueno.

Emmett continued to glare at him awaiting a reply, Sueno stared back stubbornly.

A bolt of lightening struck dangerously close to the boat Sueno and Leah were in, on Sueno's side.

"Okay, we're only here to help rescue Morgan. Obviously. "

"And I want you to promise you'll tell me everything you know about Fetcher and I, I mean everything, including the real reason you've been helping us."

There was a short pause, only the rain and thunder could be heard as everyone stared at Sueno, awaiting a response.

"On one condition, you two do things my way when we go back, because you can be sure you're gonna need my help with Ezekiel." Sueno replied and Peter gasped at the mention of Ezekiel.

Everyone looked at him, but he avoided there eyes.

"No way, we're not your puppets!" Fletcher replied.

"Agreed." Emmett replied shocking both Fletcher  and Sueno, if he was being honest, he shocked himself as well.

"He's known him longer, and for whatever reason they're enemies which means he wants Ezekiel gone as much as we do." Emmett replied.

Fletcher opened his mouth to disagree, but quickly closed it knowing Emmett was right.

"Okay, now that that's settled. You, you could have ran in all the chaos just now, you could have escaped why didn't you?" Emmett asked Peter.

"I was given a task, I am simply Carrying it out."

"You didn't seem so eager to carry out anything a moment ago." Fletcher said looking directly at Peter.

A Sandman's Reality: The Demi God ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now