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acrylictae: yeah man what's up??

fuckboykook: do you know any hot single dudes??

acrylictae: wHAT?

acrylictae: are you trying to break up with me smh

fuckboykook: no no nono no

fuckboykook: like i want to hook a friend up

acrylictae: and you're asking me

fuckboykook: yeah??

acrylictae: i thought you knew pretty much everyone

fuckboykook: um no not really,, ive just fucked a lot of people

acrylictae: oh okay :/

fuckboykook: don't look at me like that!

acrylictae: kook we are texting

fuckboykook: oh yeah lmao

acrylictae: you're stupid lmao

fuckboykook: am not

acrylictae: are too

fuckboykook: how dare you disrespect me like this smh😤😤😫

acrylictae: seriously

fuckboykook: yes the disrespecc

acrylictae: sighs

fuckboykook: you forgot the star things

acrylictae: you mean the asterisks ??

fuckboykook: that's what they're called???

acrylictae; yeah

fuckboykook: *

fuckboykook: this dude??

acrylictae: yes

fuckboykook: wow i never knew that

acrylictae: jesus okay hahaha

fuckboykook: anyway! you distracted me!

fuckboykook: send me men.

acrylictae: wow okay

acrylictae: there is one guy i know

acrylictae: he might not want a boyfriend right now though kookie

fuckboykook: it doesn't matter

fuckboykook: what's his @??

acrylictae: agustd


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