Rnjr find the club

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James as on the bar, 3 bottles empty round him. Qrow walked in, followed by Ruby, Ren, Nora, Juan and Oscar. Zoey was sleeping from a late night. "Hey, hey wake up drunk." Qrow said. "Does anyone else find it ironic Qrow is calling someone drunk?" Ren asked. James looked up and rubbed his face, and pushes glasses up. "Who are you?" He asked. "Have you seen Raven, any of her goons, or any white fang?" Qrow asked. "Ummmmm, let's see, Raven, I saw one fly to the north, no goons, white fangs? I haven't seen any Faunus around for a while." James said.

"Ok smart ass, let me rephrase it, have you seen a woman you'd date?" Qrow asked, grabbing the shirt and pulling him up. "Shouldn't someone stop him?" Oscar asked. "Only girl I'd go 5 rounds with is sleeping in the back room." James said. "Give me a sec." James said, drinking from his flask. "I'm pretty sure this is the guy who drank Qrow to a standstill." Ruby said. Qrow let go and slapped James. "Why you Bird changing drunk who still has a debt at me bar! I haven't seen any one you looking for, now if you excuse me, what do you kids want? I think I still have some, people like grape, King cold and Dr. Piper" James said.

Nora, and Ren got King cold, Ruby and Juan got People like grape, and Oscar got Dr. Piper. "So, think you and your friends willing to defend the relic?" Qrow asked. "Well, there's only me and Zoey here, Charlotte still in Vale, and Blain, I lost contact with him." James said. Qrow and James had a tension high enough to break a grim. "So, I take it you don't plan to help us?" Qrow asked. "Look, I'm not the young Huntsmen I was back in the day, look, I'll give you the Intel I collect, if I learn something, I'll tell you." James said. His scroll rang and he looked at it. "Probably just a telemarketer." He said, not recognizing the number. The scroll rang again, same number. He hung up again, before it rang again. "Some one want to talk to ya." Nora said. "Yello?" James asked, answering the scroll. "You got the Jazz club." James said. "Yeah, I know the guy." James said. "Slow down, slow down, can you repeat that? Your name is what? Raven Branwen?" James said. "Now I remember you, so Raven, what's it been? Good 23 years?" James asked. He took,out a pen and paper, before drawing an image of a girl. The call ended and he answered a mother call. "Jazz club, hello?" His eyes widened and smile changed, turning to a frowned. He lowered the phone and hung up. "Ok, I think the big bottle is necessary." He said. "Why what is it." Qrow asked. "Sienna Khan has been killed." James said.

The 6 looked at him in confusion and surprise. "Sorry, but, I'm closing up for a bit, I need time to think." James asked.

*Blaines's POV*

I got off the phone with James and I pulled my mask up. "I think it's time for a new leader, one with more prospective." Adam Taurus said. "And the belladonnas are no longer going to be a thorn in our side." Blaine, how about you make sure the people in Haven are ready." Adam said.

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