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James was serving drinks when 10 white fang walked in. One fired a gun and everyone got down except for James and Blaine. "This is now the property  of the white fang, faunus only, now." one said. The people who where drinking ran out. "Show us the club." one yelled at James. James had his eyes closed, fox ears down so it was hidden in his hair, and was cleaning a glass. "No idea what your talking about." James said. "Stop trying to hide the fact that under these floor boards, there is a club." a fang said. 

"We have standards bud, and if you have a problem with that....." James trailed off, reaching under the counter, pressing the warning button to the club. A door opened up in the back that lead to the back door of JZCB, no one would notice as a second and third door opened up a minute after the first door. Those doors lead to the first floor. Zoey, grabbed her chair, which was also her gun and weapon. Charlotte grabbed a pole, which was her weapon, a laser scythe.

The 2 girls ran up to the stairs and were at the door, which was magnetically sealed now. Zoey took her gun and pulled a handle, extending a barrel. The spinning could be heard from the bar. "What the? Hunters, theres no way they're here already." a fang said. Charlotte ran into the bar area and kicked 2 guys, giving a young looking fang, a nose bleed.

Zoey came walking around the corner. "Problem boys, or shall I drop the beat?" she asked. Blaine had his light machine gun ready as James drew a revolver. "If there is a problem, it won't be here for long." Charlotte said, activating the laser scythe. "30 seconds." James said. "The doors, this is your one warning." he said. The white fang ran out of the bar within 5 seconds. "Hmmmm, wimps." Blaine said.

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