The end. 25

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We ran through the tunnel to escape from the arm that was being reached through to get us, as our green cloaks traced behind us.

I took of my cloak and took out my blades as I sliced it against the fingers, making the arms go back. "We need to continue running. She's distracted for now."

"So what do we do?" Mikasa asked Armin as we sped onwards.

"The other squad should be coming and helping us. For plan B." Armin explained.

"Hey guys!" A group of soldiers ran from the tunnel.

"How are you-" as the other soldier was about finish their sentence, Annie's Titan foot stomped from above them as rubble fell down, crushing the other soldiers as only their legs and arms were shown. Blood were splattered across the rocks, symbolising they were dead for sure.

We stared in horror. "Plan C?"

Armin shrugged. "We will have to wait."

We all sat down with exits beside us, with entries from each side. "So we stay here?"

"I guess. I didn't really think too far - I had no idea that it would come to this to be fair. It escalated too quickly." Armin said.

They continued talking about possible plans as I looked to the side. After they talked for a while they realised I had been standing a foot away from the for a while. "Eliza?"

My head bowed as my hand clenched the trigger. Shadows loomed my face, my brown locks escaping down to cover my eyes. "Annie.... Is a good person... I know that her heart has good and... I want to prove it to everyone that she never mean this. Any of this. She had a tough past, it's not her fault...."

"How can you say that?!" Eren stood up. "She killed those soldiers and you know it. She isn't a good person and should be punished for what she did!! Once and for all!!" He turned me round to try look into my eyes that was still not shown. He flinched when he realised I had been crying.

"I know what she did was wrong and it's hateful... But like I said it's not her fault!! We can't use something that was told by her father against her!!"


I turned and ran through one of the exits, speeding through broad daylight as Annie turned and noticed me. She stepped forward and was about grab me before I pounced ontop of her blonde locks, my cables attached so I don't fly off. "Annie! What your father told you was wrong!"

Annie roared and tried to slap me off, but I was trained too well as I jumped and dodged immediately. I flew upwards before I hit the ground and landed in the roof beside her. "I'm not going to hurt you, look." I smiled as I dropped my blades. "I promise. Just hear me out is all I ask."

She once again roared and swung her arm across me as I flung into the air and rolled against the floor, making me suffer with another rain of pain as I held my cast. Glass shards had even able to get into my wound in my arm, making blood trek down me.

Even though I was hurt, I stood up and didn't give up as I ran forward, grabbing new blades. Mikasa and Armin had ran out of the exits, and a bunch of stones and boulders had landed on Eren.

Annie swung Mikasa and did the exact same as what I did, triggering my anger as I flew upwards and attacked from behind, cutting against the back of her knees as she fell back.

-Counting Stars- An AoT/SnK FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now