Loving Friendships.4

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Rain was battering hard on the concrete, drips of water spilling from the giant leaves that hung solemnly, round puddles dotted round the area. The dark sky was dull, the moonlight shining down at us from above as the many stars glistened in space, our trembling clammy hands gripping the straps of the backpacks that held the 3dodm gear.

The weight of the backpacks hung all of them down, buckling my knees as I fell behind, though I was trying my best. My large boots scutted forwards only 2 steps every 10 seconds, the heaviness slowing me down.

~Episode 1 : Loving friendships.~

"Come on, move it, Eliza!" Keith shouted, sitting calmy on his horse as he trotted back and forth, his hood of his cloak covering his eyes as he frowned at me impatiently.

"S-Sorry, Sir!" I screamed back, setting my backpack at the right angle while I stood up straight.

"You want to join the scouts, don't you?! Well, come on! Everyone believes in you! If you can't do this, then you can't complete your dream!" Keith shouted in a calm voice enthusiastically.

"Of course I want to join the scouts!" I said wearily, a tear drop falling down my cheek.

"Then go faster!"

My legs straightened up, a serious face painted on my head as my leg started going forwards, faster than before. He was right. My legs went forward 3, 4, 5....

I started running

And running.

Past others.

"Eliza..." Armin said, surprised with a shocked face as Reiner helped him.

I looked back at him and smiled, red dashes planted across my pale cheeks.

I crouched on a branch, fidgeting in my gear as I itched my neck awkwardly, waiting to be taught how to use the gear, again.....


Two cables were stuck to my belt, being hung in the middles of two strong beams. My legs began shaking, fidgeting as the cable kept scratching against my hip. My legs swung back and forth dangerously, almost tipping over as I waved my arms in the air awkwardly.

"Come on, Eliza. Pathetic." Keith pulled a disgusted face, kicking his leg into my shin as I screamed with pain. "See what I mean? If your gonna join the scouts, you have to stop with the whole fuss trait."

"Because you just kicked me in my fucking shin!" I said, my hands wrapped round my knee as I bowed my head.

"If you think being kicked in the shin is painful, get ready to be eaten whole, Eliza." He shook his head, using my first name. It was because Eren was in the same squad, so I was the only one being called by my first name.

"Get ready to be punched in the face, you prick." I sighed, craning my neck upwards to gaze at Keith who was trying not to laugh. "You sound like a pig when you laugh."

(Sorry I had to put in some funny stuff in. XD ^^-^^)

"It's nice having banta with someone who can make jokes during a serious time like this. Well, farewell." He waved, smiling as he turned his back on me and bullied someone else.

I crossed my legs, my right legs wrapped round my left as I crossed my arms and sighed. Was he right? Will I really get eaten?

"Come on, Jaeger!"

Eren 's head was bumped on the floor, his hair waving down on the ground as shadows loomed his eyes as he watched, open mouthed.

"Eren..." I said quietly, trying to unstrap my belt.

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