Unspoken Chants. ~5

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At the time, we had no idea what was about to happen.

~Unspoken chants. Episode 5.~

We was all gathered on top of the wall, setting up the cannons and watching the clouds go by like every boring day. My pale fingers were holding the side of the cannon, pushing it along slowly to the right as I panted heavily, using up all of my strength.

"Let me help." Eren rushed over to me and completed my job for me quicker than I ever would, and went back to standing by the edge and smiling at himself.

I frowned, hating how I'm so weak.


"Your brother is such a suicidal maniac." Jean said, sipping his water that was held in a silver cup. He was wearing a white shirt with a black blouse over it like always, always sitting next to me.

"He isn't...he's just..." I couldn't get the word for it. "...Angry, I suppose?"

"You know, you don't have to be so caring all the time, you little weakling." Jean gripped my shoulder, looking into my ocean eyes. "If you really want to join the scouting legion, you need to toughen up or you will be gone in a blink."

"I know, I'm trying my best...it's just..." I sighed.

"I know what will toughen you up." He smirked and stood up. "Oi, Eren! Stop trying to kill yourself, you psychopath! Such an idiot! Just like your little sister!"

My hands clenched into a fist but all I could do was sit there.

"Eren! I'm fucking talking to you, you prick!" He pounced over to eren, gripping him by the shoulders while he spat at him ."Your such an idiot, I won't be surprised if you don't even get as good grades like me."

"Stop calling me an idiot, what are you - 2? We're not in kindergarten, you twat." Eren groaned and banged Jean against the wall. "I bet I will get higher than YOU."

"S-stop fighting..." I said In a quiet voice, staring at them.

"All you ever do is cry, cry, cry - you baby!" He punched eren against the cheek. "I hate you so much!"

"Leave me alone, horse!" He was just about to kick him until I burst in.

I jumped up, racing against the hallway and shoved Jean out the way before Eren's leg could even touch him. I managed to dodge. "Stop fighting, the both of you!"

"Eliza...?" Eren slurred the words a little and then arched his back and his bushy eyebrows twisted into a sad expression. "I'm sorry if we upset you..."

"Yeah." Jean sighed and gulped in a large swallow of breath, his chest flattening as he bowed. "Sorry."

I laughed.

Everyone placed down their drinks and dropped their forks, staring at me.

My cheeks flushed red, and my eyes were closed, my head tilting to the side as I itched the back of my neck. I giggled and continued to rub. "No need. I just...hate it when a fight starts." I opened my eyes and smiled widely.

Then my smile turned into a frown as I peered closely at the large doors.

Then whispering started.

"She's so innocent. No wonder Eren dotes over her."

"She'll never survive the titans if she goes on like the weakling she is."

"She doesn't deserve family or love. Besides, who would care about her?"

"Such a baby."

-Counting Stars- An AoT/SnK FanFicTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang