Court ~14

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My arms wrapped round underneath his arm, pulling him from the nape as the cables stuck to him, making me and armin have to pull so he will detatch.

"Eren..." I gasped for air. "I can't pull him out!"

Mikasa cut the cables as me and Armin flung off, Mikasa pouncing over to us as I held him, hunching my skinny shoulders as I wrapped my jacket round Eren's shoulders.

2 titans stood infront of us, once of them with an open jaw with a small grin, and the other with a long face and small smile, each of them quite tall.

Shadows spread round my open eyes, my mouth opened a little, shocked. "Eren! Armin! Eliza!" Mikasa ran over to us.

One of the titan's hand slowly jerked forward to us, it's mouth slowly opening.


A man with blades twirled round them, slicing their napes with mega impact in a fast speed as he stood on the titan, his emerald cloak waving behind him, embroided with the wings of freedom as his black undercut hairstyle swaved in the wind.

He craned his neck, his black half open eyes staring at us with a frown - a miserable expression. "Hey, you kids. What's the situation here?"

We were gathered in court, the scouts in one corner and the military police in the other with some random citizens and culprits there at the time.

I fussed and fidgeted, unable to stay still as I waited quietly. Eren was pushed in, his handcuffs tied to a pole as he balanced on his feet with his knees bent, shadows looming his face. He looked over to us as his face began to tremble.

A man with a white beard and moustache tidied his papers as he sat behind the large desk, clearing his throat - Darius Zackly.

"Well then, let us begin." Daris started, shoving up his sleeves to his elbows. He pushed up his glasses and glanced at the papers. "Eren Jaeger, yes? You are a soldier, sworn to sacrifice your life for the public good. Is that correct?"

"Yes, sir." Eren replied.

"This is an exceptional situation. This tribunal will be held under military not civilan, law. The final descision rests entirely in my hands. Your fate will be decided here. Do you have any objections?"

"No, sir."

"I appreciate your perception. I will be direct. As anticipated, concealing your existence has proved impossible. We must make your existence public in some form, or a threat to humanity other than titans may arise. What i will decide today is which force will have custody of you. The military police? Or the survey corps?"

He began to talk again, "Then, I ask the military police for their proposal.."

Nile dok looked at his paper, the leader of the military police. "Yes, sir. I, Nile dok - the leader of the military police-, will like to propose our plan. Our aim is for execution. After a thorough investigation of Eren's body, we believe he should be eliminated immidiately. It's certainly true that his titan power overcame our previous peril. However, now his existence threatens to spark a civil war. So we ask him to die for humanity's sake, leaving behind all the information he can behind."

Nick shook his head. He had short grey hair and chains with Wall maria, rose and sina attatched to it.

"And you, commander Erwin?"

Erwin?! He's a commander!!
He had blonde hair over brown, with blue eyes and a necklace with a green gem round his neck. He the man who saved us earlier beside him. Could that possibly be Levi?

"My plans are for Eren Jaeger to join the scouts as a weapon. With his help, we can re take Wall Maria and save humanity with his powers. If he could seal this gate, then he could do the same for Maria. We was also informed about a basement that they believe could hold all of the secrets about the Titans. In which case, Eren Jaeger would be very useful for leading us there."

"Hm. " Daris cleared his throat and tidied his papers again. "We will now talk about the reports from witnesses. We were informed that two soldiers from the cadets were attacked while he was in his Titan form. Their names were Mikasa Ackerman and Eliza.." He wasn't sure on what to use. He read from the papers, "Eliza smith."

Erwin flinched for a moment. He whispered to himself,  "wait....."

Me and Mikasa were startled because we never told anyone about it. Rico sighed. "I just said what I saw."

"I'm a human." Eren started. "I'm a damn human! I just have a total form that saved your asses, ungrateful bastards!!"

Just then, his face was kicked . "Shut up you brat." He began beating him up second after second."

"You little.....!!" Mikasa groaned.

I put my hand in the air.

"Yes, Eliza?" Daris said nodding at me. Erwin looked round at me and smiled.

"Allow me to argue with that report." I started, people gasping. "What that report is trying to enquire is making it sound as if Eren had done it on purpose, which is completely incorrect. You see, this was the third time for Eren becoming a Titan. And all of those times were fed by his anger, so it would be asking for the impossible for him to have control over his power. And even though he hit me and Mikasa, he came back because he wanted to save humanity. And he did, because he was the one that sealed the hole to stop Titans coming in. It was worth sacrifice, but Trost was rescued. And if no one knows that, then think again because you're looking at a hero. Not any hero, either. YOUR hero. And mine." I smiled at him, nodding.

Daris smiled, pushing up his spectacles. "You may have a point-"

"You'd believe a little weakling like her?! She doesn't even have muscles! No where near fit to be a soldier!! But sure do fit for a damn fibber!" Neil shouted, staring at me. "She's as crazy as her brother!"

"You, Neil, is as crazy as a baboon" 'Levi' started. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"TSK! Protect them as much as they want, but I know for sure that he is guilty!"

"And where's your evidence?" Daris asked.

Neil flinched.  "He's a jaeger!"

"That is not proof, Neil." Daris started and looked at me. "Thank you, Eliza for that report." He banged the hammer against table. "Eren jaeger will be joking the scouting legion! Case closed!"

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