The soldier's labour. 3

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'Perhaps you already do know what is unknown but your love for the unknown prevents you from realizing it to keep you happy. It's a basic survival instinct'

The dust of the sandy paths became bushing up and down in the slow careful wind, the silence beckoning throughout the soldiers. Each soul had despairing faces, shadows looming underneath their eyes and tears brimming their pupils, the mouth trembling with doubt and guilt, regretting their decision of career.

Keith, the commander, stared at us with a dark, sad face, shadows covering his eyes while he stared at the lines of soldiers, sighing heavily as he arched his bushy eyebrows, crossing his arms together and doing up his collar correctly.

"And what is your name?" He asked, shouting with drops of slobber streaming out his frowning mouth as he shouted at him, with lingering eyes.

"I am Armin Arlert! I come from Shiganshina, Sir!" He said, his fist clenching as he stood up straight, his legs wobbling a little as he shyly looked at Keith.

"And why are you here, Arlert?!" He shouted, stepping back a step as he continued to look at him angrily, impatient.

"To revenge my grandfather, Sir!" He shouted while he bristled at the word 'grandfather'. Armin has been sad ever since the incident occurred, sobbing sadly each night as he hoped everything that happened 5 years ago was just a full on nightmare.

"Revenge, huh? Same reason for everyone else. You seem like a coward, being swallowed and digested in a titan's mouth straight off as you go into combat! Pathetic little brat." He spat at his boot, grunting as he approached me, looking at me weirdly.

"And what is your name?" He asked, raising a bushy eyebrow as he combed his sleeves to his elbows, swinging his emerald cloak tightly round his shivering shoulders.

"I-I'm Eliza Jaeger, Sir..!" I hesitated, my voice high pitched but little as my pale hands began to tremble and my slender legs began to wobble as I blew my fringe out of my eyes to have a clear look at him.

"Why have you joined the trainees, then, Jaeger?" He asked, sighing as he stood up straight while he clasped his hands together behind his back.

"I'm a survivor of the Shiganshina attack and I would like to discover the full truth of their existence as well as instinct, training hard to find out this truth. I- I also want to look for some people in particular that mama and father told me about." I said plainly.

Eren, Mikasa and Armin stared at me, their eyebrows arching. I never told anyone about these people our parents told us about. I never planned to, either. It was our little secret but there was no point hiding the truth now.

"Ah. Very great. Never had anyone who wanted to find out the truth. Well, I have already got the idea that you are going to be different." He said and skidded to the side, pushing himself over to Eren.

Different? How?

"What's your name?" He asked Eren.

"I'm Eren Jaeger, Sir! From Shiganshina, Sir!"

"Another one from Shiganshina?" Someone whispered.

"I feel so bad for them." Another one said quietly.

"Are you somehow connected to Eliza?" Keith asked.

"Yes. She is my sister." Eren smiled at me, winking with his eye as he stared back at Keith with a serious face.

"Mhm. Well, why are you here then, Jaeger?"

"I'm here to kill every last one of them! All the titans even if I have to do it with my own two bare hands! I will revenge my mother and join the scouts!" He shouted in his natural angry voice, clenching his fist as he dugged his nails in the palm of his hand.

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