The expedition part 3 ep 21

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Soldier after soldier were being slaughtered by the Titan, but me and Eren continued to look forward despite what was going behind us. I clenched my teeth and held the handle tight. "It's getting closer! We will have to go faster so we can outrun it! But... We can't hold this up for long." I said. "If we keep going with our backs turned we will all be squished flat by this thing." I explained.

Even though comrades have been dying... Everyone is still going forward. Lance Corporal Levi is still looking ahead. The others are believing him and are risking it. So, I too, will believe him. Just like how... They believed in me.

Just as me and Eren look up, we realise that the Titan was a step away from us....

"FIRE!!!!!!" Father shouted.

Next thing I know there was loud bangs, deafening me as cables were hung round the Titan that was shocked. It continued to protect the nape even so. There were loads of sparks flying through the atmosphere as smoke gathered from the machines that fired. It was like a blur because so much was set off, but it shut her up because she was unable to move.

"After securing the horses up ahead," Levi started. "Switch to 3 dimensional maneuvers. Me and Eliza will work separately for a while. Eld will take charge from here on out. Hide Eren a good way form that Titan and I will sort out Eliza and her position." I flinched as everyone looked at me. "I'll leave the horses to you. Come, Eliza."

I nodded as we used our gears to go back, flying across the trees to stand next to father.

"Fire!" Father shouted again as Hanji set off another cable at the backside.

"How's that feel?" Hanji grinned "You can't scratch even if you get an itch. Moving a muscle is out of the question. Probably forever. The idea is that the more wounds you heal, the stiffer your joints get. " Hanji laughed a bit. "But really,why haven't they got the key target out yet? What are they doing?"

Levi and Miche tried to cut the fingers, but it failed as a crystal shield spread over which caused the blades to break.

I landed on the branch beside Levi, and as soon as the female Titan noticed me there it began struggling to get its arms free. "Wait..." I started, making the rest look at me. "Do you think..... It's targeting me? Like, trying to capture me in particular?"

"It's possible." Levi agreed. "It was running after us all that time, as if it was trying to get one of us. It just proves that it's attempting to kidnap you."

"I do have a theory." I started. "This Titan is different. Like as if it has its own mind... One reason is that it just murdered the soldiers, no attempt to eat it like a Normal Titan would. The second reason is that it knows we aim for the nape, so it covers it as much as possible. The last reason is because it's targeting one person...." Then I pointed to the nape with my blade. "There's someone controlling it. Like me and Eren. "

Father nodded. "That could be the case. But like you said, the person knows the weak spot so it would be extremely hard. "

I looked at the Titan. "Do you think it can seal more than one place at a time?"

Hanji came and joined in. "No. The Titan can't."

"That means... Someone can distract her so much that it chooses to seal another place, which where another soldier goes in and Attacks the nape."

"It's possible." Levi agreed. "But it won't be able to stay like that for long." He stood on the head of blonde locks and began to talk to it.

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