Despairing Memories. ~7

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Year 844.

Father had a blue raincoat and black trousers, his black hair reaching his shoulders with his spectacles hanging on the edge of his nose.He was carrying a case. Eren wore a dull coat with normal trousers, but had a large red scarf wrapped round his neck. I was wearing a green wooly coat (that reached my knees!) skirt, tights, white fluffy short sleeved top and laced shoes.

We were knocking on a cottage, that had planks of wood for walls and a tumble down hay roof, the only house in the area that hid in the tall trees. It was raining heavily, and the floor was damp with strange animal noises.

At the time, I was only 4 and was scared to death by the loud werewolf noises that echoed from the forest, so much i grabbed hold of Eren's hand as he held me protectively.

Father knocked on the door.

"Mikasa?" Eren said the word weirdly.

"Thats right, she's the same age as you." Father looked at Eren. "There aren't any other kids in the area. So make friends with her, okay?"

"Depends on her."

"Eren...That attitude is the reason why you've only got one friend." He looked at the door. "Maybe they're not home. Mr ackerman! It's me, Jaeger. Excuse me.!"

He opened the door, and let out a large gasp.

"HUh?" I asked.

"What is it?"

Father went inside the house. It was a disaster.

He looked at the women that layed on the floor, a blood puddle beside her head as he touched her. "No good. Eren. Did you see a girl around? Did you see Mikasa?"


"I see. Im going to get the Gendarmeri and have them look for her. You two wait for me at the base of the mountain. Got it? Eren? Eren!"

His eyes were large and had a small frown on his face.

Rain was pouring down heavily, the raindrops dripping from the large leaves that hung from the trees as the ground became damp.

Me and Eren opened the door to a cabin.

"Excuse me." Eren said innocently.

"How did you find this place?!" The blonde man shouted.

"Er...Erm...Me and my little sister got lost in the forest..and um....we saw this cabin...."

"Now that's not good. You're just a kid. Don't come in the forest alone." He patted Eren's head, who hid a knife behind his back. "There are scaaaary wolves here, you know? But don't worry. You can come with us-"

Eren's knife stabbed his chest, making him stutter and stand there with small pupils.

"Thanks, Mister. I get it now. So die, you flithy man!" He took out the knife, blood stains rremaining on his shirt as the man fell to his knees and onto the ground as I ran over to the girl that layed on the floor with her hands tied while Eren stood there, clenching the knife.

"No way!" The stout man who was sitting on the chair stood on his feet as Eren closed the cupboard door, his eyes opened wide with shadows underneath.

"Where d'ya think you're going? You little brat?!" He grabbed an axe, whereas Eren pounced out and held a broome with a sharp end as he ran over to the man. Eren sat on the man and began stabbing him repeatedly with the sharp end of the broom, blood pouring out. "You filthy animal! Die!"

The girl's eyes opened wide as she stared at Eren kill the man. The girl had black eyes, black hair and a white nightgown. I began to unravel the rope that tied her hands together, wiping away the blood that was stained at the side of her mouth.

"It's all right now. Don't worry. You're mikasa, right? Im Eren and this is Eliza, children of Dr Jaeger. I think you've met our father before. He was visiting your place for a checkup, so we came with him. That's when we found..."

"There were three." Mikasa said, rubbing her hands.

A tall man with a red tie, white shirt and black cardigan stood behind them, clenching his fists as he swept back his black hair.

Eren's foot pushed him to the side, but the man launched his foot and kicked Eren to the side as he rolled towards a wall.

"Did you do this?" The man asked, walking near to Eren. He grabbed the tip of his brown fringe and held him in the air. "Did you do this?! You?! I'll kill ya! You're dead!"

My diamond pupils begn to shake as I Clenched my fists, but the rest of my limbs and muscles were unable to move.

Eren's eyes opened and steered over to Mikasa, gritting his teeth. "Fight!" He shouted. "You gotta fight!" Drool began to drip from his mouth. "Lose, and you die. Win, and you survive. If you don't don't win!"

Mikasa grabbed hold of the blood stained knife and stood up, clenching the tiny sword as she looked at them. Her hands began to shake. "I...I can't do it!"

Her eyes opened wide as she clenched the knife even harder, her foot banging against the floor board as it cracked open, going at swift speed as she held the knife at his back..

"Eren. I told you to wait at the base of the mountain, didn't I? Do you have any idea of what you've done?!" father grabbed hold of his shoulders.

"I put down some dangerous beasts. They were just animals in human clothing!" Eren said.


"Look how long it took for the gendarmerie to arrive! They'de have gotten away ages ago! You wouldnt've made it in time!"

"Eren, even if that were true, you were just lucky! I'm critizising you for not considering your safety! "

"But..." Tear drops swivelled in his eyes. "I wanted to save her as soon as I could."

Father stood up. "Mikasa. Do you remember me? I met you many times when you were a child."

"Dr Jaeger...Where do i go from here?" Mikasa asked. "I'm cold... I dont...have a home anymore.."

Eren unwrapped his red scarf and tied it round Mikasa's neck, startling her. "You can have this. It's warm, isn't it?"

Mikasa touched it's warm stitches. "It's warm."

"Mikasa. You can make your home with us. You've experienced too much pain. You need to rest."

"Come on. Lets go home." He grabbed hold of Mikasa's white sleeve. "To our home."

Mikasa's eyes opened wide as tears spluttered down her cheeks. "Okay. Let's go home."

My cable shot out towards a titan's nape, gas firing out as I sprung over to the neck and sliced it open with my blade, flipping onto a rooftop as I wrapped the emerald clock round my shoulders for warmth and shelter, flipping up my hood as I swept away the titan blood.

Dead titans lay around us.

This place is cruel, yet very beautiful. But no matter how we see it, the pulse of humanity's heart will slow down when the apocalypse comes. Which has already began on sheer instinct. No one knows how it first began, but we hope the end will come soon. A world of cruelty and despair only has one hope ; survival.

"Time to retreat, Ackerman and Jaeger. We're going over the walls." The soldier repeated.

"We will go assist the vanguard's retreat."


Me and Mikasa shot towards the oppisite direction, flying over the rooftops.

But, I have a home. And that's what's most important. Even if it means sacrifice.

Because other friendships is the most important thing in the world.

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