Levi and the test. 17

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"You want to join us by proving your really good?" Gunther asked. He had black hair and a stubby nose. I was currently in a meeting with the special operations squad so I told them that I wanted to join them.

"Bahahahaha!!!" Olulo laughed, who was an old looking guy that copied captain Levi completely.

"Shut up before you cut you tongue you-" before Petra could finish, blood was already pouring down his chin. "Bastard."

"Well, as long as you can prove to us that you are good enough there is a possibility." Eld said, he had blonde hair and a beard like a hippie.

"Yes, exactly." I said, my eyes stern. "If I could just prove to you that I am good enough as you lot, then you could accept me in this team."

"Well it's not us your gonna want to impress. Our opinions don't matter in this situation. It's captain Levi your gonna want to ask."

"Who's late!!" Olulo shouted.

"He's be here any minute now-" Petra started before the door being pushed open.

"What did I miss?" He had black hair and black eyes with shadows underneath - he had no expression at all! This must be Levi.

"Where've you been?! I would got here much earlier if I was the captain!!!" Olulo moaned.

Levi put his jacket into place an came to sat down opposite me as the other surrounded him. He had a leg over the other and held papers in his hand. "Alright let's start. Eliza, correct?"


"Do you prefer smith or jaeger?" Levi asked looking up at me.

"Er.. Smith."

"Okay. You say you want to join the strongest team in the legion straight away as you joined? How pathetic." I flinched as he made a stern look. "Look like you wasn't brought up as a kid correctly. Your parents must tell you all this crap , and when you say 'I wanna join the special ops squad!' You get told 'that's marvellous, honey. Follow your dreams.' But guess what, life is not a fairytale - especially in this brutal world."

I clenched my fist. "Your wrong." I started, making the team flinch and Levi looked at me with an eyebrow raised. Obviously your not allowed to answer back to Levi. "That's not how it happened. My childhood and how I was raised is not your concern, especially when it comes to my foster parents. They hated the idea of me becoming a soldier, but I protested anyway. Just because I'm small and slender doesn't mean I don't have strength! No, life isn't a fairytale, your correct. But there's still Damn hope in this fucked up world and I'm ready to make a change. I know I'm the one for this team, and I'll prove it to you. Give me a week, and I'll take the big test."

Levi sat back and grinned. "Alright. I'll give you a week to train and we'll see how you work killing 5 Titans with little gas and 2 blades."

"Your going straight into high level training?!" Petra said.

"She wants to join the best team, so she needs the same training, correct? Unless you want to back out now."

"Obviously not."

"Well, there you go. We'll see you in a week."

"Eliza!" Mikasa said as I walked upto the rest of them.

"You've been a while." Reiner said, nodding at me


After explaining everything to them, they smiled. "Well hopefully Eren should be round here soon as we have been told. " Connie said.

"Hey, guys!" A familiar voice said behind us.

"Eren!" Mikasa came up to him and hugged him then looking looked into his eyes. "Eren, did they do anything terrible to you? Like inspecting every bit of your body or causing you mental anguish?"

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