Chapter 41: Sailor War

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Mizuki took Kakyuu's hand and rose to her feet, how could she explain? Princess Kakyuu's face was a little confused, but she was the same princess that Mizuki had come to love like an aunt. Placing a hand on her chest Mizuki lowered her head, a soft smile playing on her lips as she spoke.

"My name is Mizuki Kou Tsukino, and I have come from the future." Mizuki said tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear.

"From the future?" The princess asked.

"Yes, I am the future daughter of Usagi and Seiya." Mizuki said and then turned to see the Starlights rushing over to them.

Each of them fell to their knees bowing down to Kakyuu, hot tears dripping down their cheeks as they bowed their heads to her.

"We're so happy to see that you're safe princess!" Taiki said while allowing his tears to fall.

Princess Kakyuu smiled at Mizuki and then walked over to the starlights, her soft eyes showing hints of sadness as she spoke.

"I'm sorry to have worried you Starlights." She took Seiya's hand in her own. "But I have an important mission to complete."

"A mission?" Seiya asked as Princess Kakyuu nodded.

She rose to her feet and then turned to Chibi-Chibi, walking over to the small girl Kakyuu kneeled down so that she was at eye level with her.

"Chibi-Chibi thank you so much." She said and then standing again she turned to Usagi. "Sailor Moon, I have been watching you through that Incense burner."

"Watching us?" Usagi questioned.

Kakyuu nodded and then continued to speak. "Allow me to tell you a story, of the holy war from a long time ago that engulfed the galaxy. Everything about the Sailor Wars."

"The Sailor Wars? Why does that sound so familiar?" Mizuki asked turning to her own scouts, each of them wearing looks of relief.

"I don't know, but it sounds familiar to me too." Esme said.

"Sailor Soldiers are born of Stars and Planets, they've been fighting since the creation of the Galaxy against those who infringe on peace. Until at last, the origin of the Evil throughout the Galaxy...Chaos was defeated by the legendary strongest Sailor Soldier." Kakyuu spoke, her voice filled with dread.

"But wait a second, I was the one who defeated Chaos. He came back to the moon and I used my moon rod to destroy him." Mizuki said, placing a hand on her chest. It was a memory that was still raw, and difficult to remember.

"That was after the entity of Chaos had been put into physical form, Chaos was first an entity without form." Kakyuu explained. "After a long period of time Chaos has appeared again in the galaxy, this was the Chaos that you fought."

"You fought him Mizuki?" Ami asked.

"Yes, he was once known as Daniel and he lived on the moon with me. After Silver Millennium was created he became a palace guard, specifically guarding me when my scout team was back on their home planets. He vanished and came back totally different, it was then he told us his name was Chaos. And he attacked the moon, he killed many people before I had to destroy him." Mizuki said as tears filled her eyes. "He was more than a friend to me, he was my everything..."

Hestia wrapped an arm around Mizuki's shoulder, of course they remembered what had happened to Mizuki. And they knew that she was pregnant with Daniel's child when she had to destroy him, a month after he was destroyed Mizuki was married to the Prince of Venus Loke. And when the child was born with blonde hair Loke had told the people she looked just like his great grandmother, which stopped any questions.

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