Chapter 9: People in black

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Mizuki wasn't happy about staying in bed all the time, she was getting very bored and the casts on her arm and leg were incredibly itchy. There was a soft knock on the door and Mizuki smiled, she knew who it was as soon as they knocked. It was her friends from school, Mizuki didn't want to fall behind in her studies since she was off sick from school so her friends would bring her work from her subjects. First in walked Tia, followed by Ariel, Elara and Juliet. Ariel had white hair which was always in a long braid which hung down her back, she also had soft brown eyes and was the chatter box of her friend group. Elara had short cropped pale blonde hair and bright violet eyes, she reminded Mizuki of Mercury with her hairstyle. Last there was Juliet who had long dark blue hair tied in a similar style to Pluto, and she also had dark green eyes. They were all dressed in their school uniform since they had most likely come straight from school to see Mizuki.

"Hi girls! Its so good to see someone who doesn't give me sympathy eyes!" Mizuki cried out giving each girl a firm hug.

"Well if you want sympathy then we can give it to you, well not Juliet. She'll just shout at you." Ariel said giving Juliet a nudge.

"Be quiet Ariel, Mizuki needs her rest." Tia said sitting down next to her. "I'll always give you sympathy, and school work."

Tia pulled her school bag onto the bed and then began to pull out different books, each had Mizuki's name written on them in her small cursive hand. She'd done well in keeping up with her work but she missed sitting in a classroom with all her fiends, and she even missed the teachers!

"When do you think you'll be back Mizuki? Its been ages since you've been to school." Elara said giving Zeke who was sitting on Mizuki's bed a stroke.

"Dont know, the doctor seems to think I still need about three weeks off school. And even then when I come back I'll be using a wheel chair." Mizuki said sighing.

"Oh that reminds me, I finished our communicators." Tia said opening a small box inside her bag.

Tia pulled out different coloured communicators, they were made to look like watches and were all star shaped. Mizuki wanted a way she could speak with her friends while she wasn't in school so Tia came up with the idea of using some watches her dad had to make communicators, Mizuki's was purple, Tia's was green, Ariel's was yellow, Elara's was grey and finally Juliet's was a pale pink colour. 

"They look amazing Tia, you're definitely the brains." Ariel said smiling at the green haired girl.

"Thanks, its just a little something my dad helped me to make. He just helped with getting the screens to work and I did everything else, it was really fun the two of us spending time together." Tia said smiling slightly.

The girls talked for a couple of hours, some maids brought in food for them to eat while they were speaking but then it was time for them to leave. Mizuki hated to see her friends leave because then she was left all alone, of course she had Zeke and her parents would come in from time to time. But no one else came to see her, after Chibi-Usa had unlocked her form the rest of the scouts daughters unlocked theirs apart from Neptune and Uranus's daughters. It made Mizuki feel worthless since she had yet to unlock her form, she wanted to make her family proud but it was hard to do that from her bed. Mizuki sighed while she waved goodbye to her friends, she looked at her new communicator and smiled slightly. Her friends were the best people anyone could ask for, they never failed to make her laugh or smile even when she was in pain because of her injuries. Looking over to the door Mizuki noticed it begin to open, Serenity walked in and smiled at her daughter.

"Hello Mizuki, how are you feeling?" She asked giving Mizuki a kiss on her forehead.

"Not too bad, I can't wait to get out of bed though and go back to school." Mizuki said looking at her mother. "How are the girls doing in training?"

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