Chapter 40: Princess Kakyuu?!

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After the events of the previous day Mizuki was tired, she felt like everything was happening very quickly and she didn't know how she felt about it. Walking down the streets of Tokyo, Mizuki found her mind begin to wonder. She wondered about how her people were doing, about how her family were and also about how she could defeat Chaos. The thoughts about him always filled her mind, but thoughts about who Chaos originally was also filled her mind. Her memories of her past life kept flooding through her mind, often causing her to wake with nightmares. Mizuki felt like her heart still belonged to Daniel, no matter how much she tried to convince her self that he was now Chaos and capable of destroying universes with a snap of his fingers. She still held a deep love for him, and when she time came to kill him again she feared she wouldn't be able to do it.

"Mizuki!" A voice called to her.

Turning around Mizuki saw that it was Minako who was calling her, since she had told the scouts who she really was there was increased conflict between the starlights who wanted her future to come to pass, and the outer scouts who still believed in the Crystal Tokyo they know and have fought to protect. But the inner scouts believed that no matter what future came to pass they could be happy either way, although they all asked Mizuki about the families they had and about their daughters who were the next generation of Sailor Scouts.

"Yes?" Mizuki asked.

"We need some help today, we're doing a maid cafe at the school and one of the girls canceled at the last minute. Think you could help us?" Minako asked.

"Um do I have to wear a costume?" Mizuki asked.

"Duh!" Minako cried grabbing Mizuki's arm. "Zeke is there too by the way."

"Why am I not surprised, he's always looking for ways to tease me!" Mizuki cried as the two ran to the high school.

Once inside Mizuki was quickly taken to the changing room and given a dress by Ami who had also been dragged into it, once she was changed Mizuki decided to try something a little different with her hair. Instead of the buns on her head with the rest of it left flowing she tied it into pigtails like Usagi and her sister Chibi-Usa, but her buns were the same heart shape as normal so that she still felt like her self. Once that was done Mizuki was given a tray and sent to serve people, and why was she not surprised that Seiya was sitting at the table she was told to go to first.

"Hi Seiya, what can I get you?" Mizuki asked.

"Minako?" He asked looking at her.

"Yep, all I was doing was taking a walk and she attacked me. Now what can I get you?" Mizuki asked with a smile.

"Some of Makoto's cake please, and a cup of coffee." He said smiling at her.

With a nod Mizuki walked to the home economics room where Makoto was cooking all the food for the cafe, but as she was walking she noticed something. Chibi-Chibi was sitting alone next to a tree, putting her tray down Mizuki went outside to see if the girl was lost, or if she had ran off again without anyone knowing. Kneeling down next to her Chibi-Chibi looked up at her and smiled.

"Nice to see you too Chibi-Chibi, did you run away from Usagi again?" Mizuki asked.

"Butterfly!" Chibi-Chibi said pulling a strange looking object from her bag.

Looking at the object Mizuki instantly knew it was from Kinmoku, just from looking at the design of it she knew that was it's planet of origin. A soft floral scent was coming from it which again reminded Mizuki of Kinmoku, it was scent she had often smelled when with Kakyuu. Mizuki watched as a small red butterfly came flying over and landed delicately on top of the object.

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