Chapter 10: The Decision

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Mizuki woke up and rubbed her eyes, she felt like she slept like a rock and turned to face her clock. It was twelve o'clock in the afternoon. Mizuki laughed to her self and then turned to see Zeke pawing at her stomach, he smiled at her then sat down.

"Took you long enough to wake up, and you don't look as tired as you normally do Mizuki." Zeke said eyeing the princess.

"I feel like I've had the best night's sleep ever, it wasn't a dream last night was it?" Mizuki asked and then noticed her balcony doors were still open slightly causing her net curtains to blow slightly in the breeze.

There was a soft knock on the door and then Seiya walked in, he smiled at his daughter and then walked over to sit on her bed.

"Good Morning Mizuki, or I really should say good afternoon." Seiya said laughing. "How come you slept so late?" 

"Um.." Mizuki stuttered, she didn't know what her father would say if she told him about Maker and Healer. Two people he hadn't seen in about twenty years, although she wanted to tell him she knew it wasn't the time. "couldn't sleep, my leg was itching like crazy. Actually papa, can you call the doctors to check my leg for me? It feels different this morning." 

Seiya looked at his daughter and then nodded, he worried that her leg might have been damaged more while she was sleeping. Although he knew that it wasn't possible he still wanted to get it checked out, he pulled the silver cord by Mizuki's bed and Sailor Mercury then came in. She smiled softly at Mizuki and then walked over to the king and princess.

"How may I help you?" She asked bowing slightly.

"Mizuki says her leg feels different this morning, can you please examine her?" Seiya asked smiling at the blue haired scout.

"Of course." Mercury then touched her earrings on her left ear which caused her blue screen to cover her eyes, she quickly scanned Mizuki's leg and then her arm. She didn't understand it, Mizuki's arm and leg were completely healed. Not even any indication that they were badly broken. "Her leg and arm are healed sire, I don't understand it. When I scanned last week her bones still had a while to go before they were able to bare weight."

Mizuki was surprised, this confirmed that what happened last night wasn't a dream. Mercury didn't think there was point keeping the casts on Mizuki since her bones were healed, so she took them off. The feeling of being free was incredible, Mizuki jumped out of her bed and flexed her arm and leg. They didn't feel like they had lost any of the strength that she had built up from years of training, when Mizuki looked at her father and aunt the look on their faces told her that they thought she was close to unlocking her transformation.

"I'm going into the shower, then I'm going out for a while." Mizuki yelled as she walked into the bathroom.

She turned on the shower and luxuriated in the fact that the grime that was on her body was now being washed away, she'd had help to wash but it wasn't the same as getting your whole body washed. Mizuki scrubbed her hair and then climbed out of the shower, having dried her body Mizuki then walked into her bedroom to come face to face with all of the scouts and her parents.

"Um can't I have a little privacy? I want to change then go and see my friends." Mizuki stated pulling her bathrobe a little tighter.

"How did you heal so fast Mizuki?" Serenity asked.

"I don't know, maybe I wasn't as hurt as you all thought. Now I want to go and be outside, with my friends. So please excuse me." Mizuki said and then picked some clothes, when she saw that no one was budging she walked into her bathroom to change. Mizuki pulled on a pale purple dress that came to just below her thigh, it had a dark pink belt and Mizuki then pulled on some white sandals. Tying her now dry hair into two fresh hear shaped odango Mizuki then walked out of her bathroom, everyone was still standing there and were clearly not going to let Mizuki leave.

Sailor Twilight Moon (Usagi X Seiya Child)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang