Chapter 34: Concert Day

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Mizuki woke exited for the day's events, she was going to have a fun day with her friends and then she had the concert in the evening. Mizuki had to admit she was nervous about the concert but she was exited at the same time, rising from her bed Mizuki brushed and styled her hair before looking for something to wear. Unsure about which outfit would work best Mizuki consulted the mirror Neptune had given her, touching the cool surface of the mirror an image appeared.

"Hello? It's me Mizuki." Mizuki said looking as the image of Sailor Neptune came into focus.

"Hello princess, how have you been?" Neptune asked with a kind smile on her face. She was glad the princess was safe.

"Um things have been good, is Venus around? I need her advice." Mizuki said giving Zeke a stroke as he sat next to her.

"Anything I can help with?" Neptune asked slight worry lines creasing her forehead causing her tiara to slip slightly.

"Nope, it's about clothes." Mizuki said and Neptune paled.

"You're right, if anyone can help you with clothes it's your Aunt Venus...." Neptune said causing Mizuki to giggle. "I'll pass you over to her now."

Mizuki noticed the image on the mirror change, soon she was looking at her blonde aunt. Venus never failed to make Mizuki's jaw open slightly, she was beautiful and people often come to her and ask her about beauty tips or even about clothes.

"Hello Mizu! How are you? Neptune was saying that you needed help with your clothes?" Venus asked in a rush.

"I'm good thank you Venus, and yes I can't decide what to wear. I don't know if this shirt will work with the jeans I've picked out." Mizuki said looking at the clothes on her bed.

"Let me see." Venus asked so Mizuki pointed the mirror to the clothes. "Hm, let me see what the weather outside is princess." Mizuki then pointed the mirror to the window.

"Looks like it might be a warm day today." Mizuki commented.

"Ok then, not the jeans because it can be very warm in them. Do you have the black and white striped shirt?" Venus asked and Mizuki walked to her wardrobe.

"This one?" She asked selecting the shirt.

"Yes, wear that with the coral skirt and suspenders. And to make you look super cute the white frilly socks and nude flats." Venus instructed.

Putting the mirror onto the bed Mizuki quickly changed, Venus called to see what the outfit looked like on her so Mizuki held the mirror to the one on her wall to allow Venus to see how she looked.

"Beautiful princess, where are you going?" Venus asked.

"Out with my scouts, I found them Venus. And we're working together to change the future." Mizuki said smiling as she turned the mirror to face her. "I'm going to bring the mirror with me in case any of the girls want to speak with any of you, give my love to mama and papa. I know they won't be able to hear me...but..." Mizuki said and Venus smiled sympathetically.

"They will know you are there, that you are fighting to set them free. Keep safe princess, and don't be afraid to use this mirror to speak with any of us." Venus said smiling.

"Ok, bye Venus." Mizuki said and the mirror changed so it was now showing Mizuki her own face.

Putting the mirror into her shoulder bag Mizuki began to walk out of the apartment, she wrote a small note saying she would be at the stadium with enough time to get ready. Then with Zeke on her heels she began to run happily to the park where the girls agreed that they would meet, Zeke jumped onto Mizuki's shoulder as she ran complaining his paws were tired. Laughing Mizuki began to get closer to the park when she saw the crimson hair of Hestia, running behind her Mizuki hugged her from behind.

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