Chapter 12: Awakening

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Mizuki woke to a knocking noise on the door, opening her blue eyes Mizuki pushed the covers off her body and laughed at her self. She was so exhausted that she didn't realise that she'd gone to sleep with all her clothes on and even her shoes! The knocking continued so Mizuki walked to the door and pulled it open, on the other side Princess Kakyuu was smiling at her.

"Did you have a good rest Princess Mizuki?" Princess Kakyuu asked.

"Oh yeah." Mizuki said rubbing her eyes. "And please, just call me Mizuki. Only mama's guardians called me princess Mizuki."

"Very well then, there should be a dress waiting for you in the wardrobe. Please wear that and then come to the dining hall, someone should be around to help you." The princess said and then walked down the hallway away from the bedrooms.

Mizuki walked to the wardrobe and pulled open its doors, inside was filled with different clothes. Dresses, tops, shorts and shoes, there was even a section that was filled with training clothes. Mizuki saw a dress that she thought was beautiful, it was thigh high and had thin straps that went across her shoulders. Along with this there was a top that could be worn underneath, it went from her shoulders right down to her wrists. On the waist of the skirt was a thin layer of fabric which then went to the floor, and lining the waist was two chains of pearls and a small accessory on the bust of the breast holding the two straps secure. In the centre of the pearl chains was a flower that reminded Mizuki of the one that was around Princess Kakyuu's neck. Mizuki pulled off the clothes she traveled in and put the dress on, the main colours of the dress were dark and light blue. It perfectly fitted Mizuki's slim form and Mizuki then looked for some shoes to go with the dress, finally she decided on a pair of flats which curled at the toes and were the same colour as her dress. Mizuki then walked over to Zeke and stroked his fur, which resulted in a soft purr.

"Come on Zeke wake up, we've been invited for food with the princess." Mizuki said selecting some accessories to decorate her odango.

"Why can't I have two more minutes..." Zeke complained while stretching out.

"Because you never keep royalty waiting, you should know this by now Zeke." Mizuki said giggling at how messy her hair was. Pulling hairpins from her hair Mizuki let her long locks flow down her back in glossy waves, pulling a hairbrush from her bag Mizuki began to brush her hair to get rid of knots that had formed while she slept. Then she styled them into her regular heart shaped odango, Mizuki then added some accessories that reminded her of her mother when she transformed into sailor moon. They were circles with pale blue on the inside of the second circle, they clipped into her odango nicely and completed her look.

"Come on, lets find someone who can help us get to the dining hall." Mizuki said walking out of her room.

Her and Zeke walked down the many corridors trying to find someone who could help them, finally Mizuki saw a young girl who was polishing a door handle. She looked to be about seven years old and she had pale pink hair which was orange at the tips, she was slim and was dressed in a black thigh high dress with black leggings. She also had on a white frilly apron around her waist which she began to tighten since it was slipping from her hips.

"Um excuse me!" Mizuki called walking over to her.

The girl looked at Mizuki with soft brown eyes, she had heart shaped lips which were now curved into a small smile.

"Hello miss, how might I help you?" She said bowing.

"I'm looking for the dining hall, could you take me there please?" Mizuki asked smiling at the young girl.

"Of course, this way." The girl said picking up her cleaning supplies.

Mizuki followed the girl as she walked with light quick steps, Mizuki could feel more now how the gravity of Kinmoku was different to on earth. Here it made you feel much lighter and it made Mizuki feel slightly lightheaded, but she knew it would get easier with time. 

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