Chapter 21: Kinmoku Falls.

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Mizuki joined hands with her scouts and then looked at them, they had to get to Kinmoku as quickly as possible. And she was even beginning to think that it would be better for Zeke to stay on the moon where he would be safe, she was feeling so conflicted but she couldn't help admire the original scouts uniforms. Each of them had leotards with the sides gone, also the top half of the leotard was coloured based off their main scout colour. They were beautiful, they also didn't have tiaras like the other scouts did. They just had their planet symbols on their foreheads, each of them smiled at Mizuki and then got serious.

"Whats the plan Mizuki?" Taima asked.

"We're going straight to Kinmoku, I'll send word to Zeke telling him to come to earth and tell my parents whats happened. We'll need their help too if we're going to defeat the Youma, who knows what we're going to be up against." Mizuki said and then took a deep breath. "Now lets do this!" 

All girls joined hands tightly, they hadn't teleported in years and Mizuki hadn't done it before either because she was so used to using Sailor Flight. But everything felt right, the power surging through her body, she felt it connect with theirs as their hands were joined together. Once she felt her power reach its peak she snapped open her eyes and they all yelled at the top of their voices.

"Sailor Teleport!" 

Suddenly they were shooting through the sky, it was slower than sailor flight but it was still fast. Mizuki disconnected her hand which had the communicator on her wrist and sent a call to Zeke.

"Hey Mizu! Did you find the scouts?" He asked offering her a small smile.

"No time to talk Zeke, yes I found the scouts but things have gotten worse on Kinmoku. I need you to go to earth and tell papa about me being on Kinmoku, dont tell him I'm a scout though. Just tell him that Chaos is on Kinmoku, get there fast ok?" She said and then closed her communicator.

She joined hands again with Hestia and saw the small planet come into view, smoke was coming from everywhere and Mizuki could tell it was bad. The girls quickly landed on the surface of the planet and Mizuki lead them to the palace which was again in ruin, many of its beautiful structures were now rubble littering the grass.

"Oh no...." Mizuki said feeling her knees grow weak.

"I've got you." Tamia said supporting Mizuki's body with her own.

"If only I'd have been here...maybe I could have done something!" She cried feeling the tears fill her eyes. "We need to find the others, and Kakyuu. She's Kinmoku's princess." Mizuki explained wiping some tears from her cheeks.

The five of them, with Tamia still supporting Mizuki walked into the palace for any signs of life. Sounds could be heard but they were cries of pain and grief, following the noises Mizuki found her self in the ballroom which had been turned into a make-shift infirmary. People were lined all over the floors on blankets and some had beds, Mizuki couldn't believe her eyes. She also saw her future scouts running around with bandages and bowls of water, Taiki, Yaten and Kakyuu were even helping.

"Girls!" Mizuki called to them and their eyes lit up when they saw her, all four of them came sprinting over to her and embraced her in a bone crushing hug. "I'm so glad your ok..."

"Who are these people Mizuki?" Juliet asked taking in their scout apparell.

"These are my other scouts, from my past life. I was once Princess Selena daughter of the Twilight Moon Tribe, and these are my scouts. Hestia is Sailor Mars, Esme is Sailor Venus, Tamia is Sailor Jupiter and Marina is Sailor Mercury, and we were the original sailor scouts." Mizuki explained seeing the confused looks on the others faces. "I'll explain more once we've stopped the Youma that are outside, where are they?"

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