Chapter 26: Television Appearance

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Mizuki sat on her throne as the final touches were added to her hair and make-up, she couldn't help the fact that she was so horribly nervous. Although she had seen her mother do this countless times, and she herself had been in front of the camera when her mother spoke. But she would only stand there in the background with her sister, but she never spoke.

"Everything ok Mizuki?" Marina asked as she walked to her side.

"Yes I'm just scared, but at least I have all of you here with me." She said glancing back at her scouts.

They were all dressed in their scout attire and were smiling happily, Mizuki was going to introduce them today as her scouts and at the same time she would explain about her past. It was a huge deal for Mizuki since it was the first time she had ever done anything like this, and Mizuki would gladly fight a hundred Youma before she had to do this again.

"We'll be ready soon princess." The camera man said while he adjusted the lights a little.

"Right, thank you." Mizuki said and took a deep breath to try and calm herself, Ariel placed a hand on Mizuki's shoulder and then walked back.

The cameras were ready, the lights were set.

"It's time princess, I'll point to you when it's time for you to speak." The camera man said smiling slightly, he was eager to see what the princess had to say because he was one of the people who believed she was selfish for running away. He pointed at her and began to record.

"Hello people of earth." Mizuki started, her voice wavering slightly. "As you all know I am Princess Mizuki, first born of Neo Queen Serenity and King Seiya Kou. I am speaking to you today, because I know a lot of you wish to know why I left home."

Serenity watched as Mizuki spoke, and it was at this moment that she saw herself most in Mizuki. She had such a strong will, and she was determined to show everyone who she truly was. And that was a princess of the moon.

"I left home at first because I wanted to become a scout, my uncles Taiki and Yaten Kou told me and my friends Tia, Juliet, Ariel and Elara that our sparks for becoming a scout could not be achieved on earth. They took us to their home planet Kinmoku, where we met Princess Kakyuu and the people of Kinmoku who welcomed us with open arms. Within two days of arriving a Youma attacked, and thus we achieved our spark. I became Sailor Twilight Moon and my friends became my team of scouts." Mizuki gestured behind her to her future scouts, pointing to each as she spoke. "Tia became Sailor Callisto, Juliet became Sailor Pandora, Ariel became Sailor Aurora and Elara became Sailor Iris. We helped to fight against the Youma on Kinmoku, but our powers weren't strong enough. So I devised a plan to travel from Kinmoku to Silver Millennium in order to find a way to fight the youma, I didn't plan to find my-self along the way." Mizuki spoke in a soft voice, everyone in the room leaned in closer to hear what the young princess had to say.

"While travelling with my companion Zeke, we decided to stop on each of the planets beginning with Pluto in order to conserve energy and to also give us enough time to rest." Mizuki then pulled out her gem bag and placed it on her lap. "While on Pluto someone spoke to me in my head, they told me to collect the planet crystals. And so I did, I went to each planet collecting the crystals from each of the different planets in the solar system. And when we went to Silver Millennium I met the Queen of the Moon, Queen Serenity. My Grandmother." Mizuki placed a hand on her chest, right on her necklace.

As Serenity listened to Mizuki she saw how different her daughter had become, this was no longer the girl she had raised. She had blossomed into a strong courageous woman, and Serenity could feel her heart fill with pride. Seiya picked up Chibi-Usa as she looked at Mizuki, he looked at his eldest daughter and saw himself and Serenity in her. As Mizuki was speaking Chibi-Chibi went walking over to her, Serenity wanted to rush forward and stop her but Mizuki never stopped speaking. She bent down and picked up Chibi-Chibi as she small girl wrapped her legs around Mizuki's waist and rested her head on her shoulder.

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