Chapter 35: Cosmic Scouts Transform!

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Mizuki pushed open the door to her shared dressing room and just as she suspected Michiru and Haruka were sitting on the sofa, but Hotaru and Setsuna were also sitting in the room and talking together. Zeke walked past Mizuki and jumped onto the vanity next to where Hotaru was standing, taking a deep breath Mizuki smiled.

"Hello, are you all comfortable?" Mizuki asked placing her shoulder bag onto the vanity next to Zeke. "Want me to ask them to bring you something to eat or drink before the concert?"

"No we're fine thank you Mizuki." Setsuna said smiling.

Mizuki smiled and then walked over to the wardrobe where her dress was hanging, it was inside a black dress bag so the others hadn't seen it yet. 

"I'm going into the bathroom to change, I'll only be a minute." Mizuki said and then walked into the bathroom.

Pulling off her day clothes Mizuki changed into her gown, it was grey and blue and fit her slim form perfectly. The back of the dress was low to expose her skin, and the dress had small stars dotted all over it making it look similar to the night sky. Once she was dressed Mizuki left the bathroom, Haruka and Hestia were glaring at each other while everyone else stood in silence.

"Hestia.." Mizuki said resting a calming hand on her friends shoulder. "Please don't cause a fight."

"Sorry Mizuki." Hestia said and then smiled. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you, just need to put my make-up on now." Mizuki said and sat on the chair by the vanity.

Unpinning her hair Mizuki let her dark locks fall down her back, picking up a hairbrush Mizuki began to brush her hair but was soon stopped by Esme.

"Let me." She said and then whispered to Mizuki. "I used to do this all the time."

Smiling Mizuki allowed Esme to style her hair, Haruka looked at Mizuki and Esme and there was something about the pair that made her feel something deep inside her. It felt like longing? But why? 

Mizuki reached into her bag and pulled out the Silver Crystal, it was now on a long chain so it could rest around her neck. Under the circumstances Mizuki felt it was safest to do this, she also had the time key that Pluto had given her for when she had completed her task. She fastened it around her neck and then felt a pulse on her forehead, panicking she quickly rose to her feet and ran into the bathroom. Looking at her self in the mirror Mizuki saw her golden moon symbol on her forehead shining brightly, she had no idea what to do.

"Um Marina, can you grab my bag for me please?" Mizuki called through the door.

"Ok." Marina called back and passed Mizuki the bag through the small gap she had created by opening the door.

Opening her bag Mizuki looked for something she could use to hide her mark, she looked at the mirror which began to glow softly. A small tiara appeared on the surface of the mirror with a small note attached to it, pulling the tiara from the mirror Mizuki looked at the note.

Mars had a vision, said you would need this- Venus

Smiling Mizuki clipped the tiara into her hair, it perfect covered her moon mark. The tiara it's self was a silver chain with s silver moon in the centre, it matched her dress which was a good thing since it wouldn't look out of place. Opening the bathroom door Mizuki walked out and smiled at all her friends.

"Sorry to worry you." Mizuki said. "Now let me take you to your seats, I'll get you in first so you won't have to shove past people." 

The girls gave one final glare to the outer scouts and then followed Mizuki, the silver heels on her feet making soft clicking noises as she walked. After wearing them since she was old enough to walk her feet didn't hurt, they only ached when she had new heels.

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