Chapter 28: Sailor Serenity.

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Mizuki pulled the mars planet crystal from the bag around her hip and swapped it with her twilight crystal, she leapt up high into the air and cried out.

"Mars Crimson Flame!" She yelled sending the flames crashing down on the Youma.

Serenity watched as Mercury and Mars dragged her, she didn't have the will to fight back anymore. She was useless, that's how she felt in this moment. The crystal bounced against her chest as she was lead back to the palace, children were flocking inside the palace which was offered as a safe place for when the Youma and Chaos came. Once she was pushed behind the doors of the palace Mars and Mercury went running to join the fight, hidden by the doors Serenity fell to her knees and began to sob.

"I'm hopeless!" Serenity cried passionately. "I can't help them!"

Her tears began to fall down her cheeks and some of them landed on the silver crystal, then she began to feel a warm sensation inside her chest. Opening her eyes Serenity looked at the crystal, it was glowing brightly and the whole palace was pulsing with power. Her eyes went wide as a silhouette of her mother appeared before her, the old queen walked forward and placed a hand on her daughter's face.

"Come on my precious Serenity, it's time for you to join the battle." Queen Serenity said placing a small kiss on her daughter's forehead.

"I can't mother! Ever since I became Queen I've been unable to transform, I can't help them like I used to!" Serenity sobbed pulling her mother into a hug.

Queen Serenity pulled the Silver Crystal from her daughter's neck, she planted a soft kiss onto it and then placed it into her daughter's shaking hands.

"Trust in your heart Serenity, it's never wrong. You'll know what to say when the time comes..." And with that she disappeared.

Serenity looked at the spot where her mother once stood, she then looked at the crystal. It still looked the same but it felt more powerful, she couldn't understand why it felt like this because it had never felt this powerful when she used it before. Rising to her feet Serenity knew that she couldn't sit and cry anymore, she left that trait behind when she left the name Usagi Tsukino behind. She pulled open the doors of the palace and then began to run, the heels on her feet made them ache but she couldn't stop running. Soon she reached the battle field, there were defeated Youma scattered on the floor, but there were also bodies. Serenity's hand flew to her mouth as she saw the destruction, she couldn't believe how much damage they could cause in such a short amount of time. She pulled the silver crystal from around her neck and held it in her palm, if she was going to try this she needed to do it now. Her fist tightened around the crystal and Serenity knew that there was a hidden power inside the crystal, and all she needed to do was find that power inside her-self.

"Silver crystal." Serenity whispered. "Please grant me the power to protect my children, and to protect the people of this planet!"

The crystal and the palace behind her began to glow brightly, drawing all attention to it. Mizuki looked in awe at her mother as the bright glow engulfed her body.

"Neo Queen Serenity Power! Make-Up!" Serenity cried and felt the power surge inside her.

Ribbons engulfed her body wrapping themselves around her torso creating the white leotard, on her neck was a pale grey necktie and matching bow on her chest, her skirt was white with a pale yellow and grey under colour making it look fuller, her boots were knee length and white with a yellow rim. She had fingerless gloves which were topped with pale grey and she had bubble sleeves that were pale yellow and translucent which matched her back bow, her belt was pale yellow and grey with a crescent moon in the centre and the final touch was pearl and feather accessories in her hair and translucent wings on her back.

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