Chapter 11: Journey to Kinmoku

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Mizuki pulled a white nightgown over her body, she had on some black leggings ready to make her departure. Taking the pins from her odango Mizuki let her long hair fall in silky ribbons down her back, Mizuki walked to her vanity and picked up her hairbrush. Zeke padded over and leapt up so he was sitting on her vanity, he loved to watch her brush her hair and when he was a kitten Mizuki would tickle him with her hair.

"Are you ok Mizu?" Zeke asked while he watched Mizuki brush her hair.

"Yeah, just a little nervous. I wish I could message all the girls and speak to them but I kinda want to wait until we're all together, and I don't know if they all know about me." Mizuki said while setting her hairbrush down onto the vanity.

Mizuki glanced over at her piano, she hadn't played since she was injured. Standing up Mizuki walked over and sat down by her piano, she stroked the keys and sighed happily. Then she began to play, she began to play the first song she ever learnt. The song her father and his friends wrote.

"Search for your love..." Mizuki sang.

Seiya tapped on the door to Mizuki's room and then opened it slowly, he could hear her singing and wanted to listen. Mizuki didn't notice that her father walked in while she was playing, she continued to sing at the top of her voice. She put much more emotion into this song Seiya noticed, when she played she usually just played a simple song. But this was much more different, Seiya listened to Mizuki's soft voice that was now filled with passion and emotion. Mizuki finished the song and then could feel tears fall down her face, she then looked up and saw her father standing by the end of the piano. He clapped his hands slowly as he smiled at her.

"That was very different Mizuki, what made you want to sing like that?" Seiya asked walking towards his daughter.

"I don't know, I guess its because I haven't played in a while. Papa, why do you always look sad when I play this song?" Mizuki asked as Saiya sighed.

"I'll tell you in the morning, its late now. You need to sleep." Seiya kissed Mizuki's forehead and then turned his back to her, he walked out of the bedroom and smiled to his eldest before closing the door.

Mizuki walked to her bed and sighed, she pulled back her blue sheets and then tucked her legs under the blanket. Zeke came and sat on the pillow next to Mizuki as she looked at her open window, everything was in place. Mizuki watched as the sun slowly dipped behind the horizon and the moon began to shine in the night sky, Mizuki loved the moon. She had read in a book that there was once a kingdom on the moon called silver Millennium, it was where her mother and guardians lived before they were reincarnated on earth. Mizuki had loved to listen to stories of her mother's past, but her father had been reluctant to tell her much about Kinmoku. So Mizuki was exited to finally be able to see the beautiful planet her self, glancing under the door Mizuki noticed the hallway light had been switched off. Jumping from her bed Mizuki pulled her nightgown off and pulled on a dark blue top, it had a long skirt which flowed over her body in a silky wave. Mizuki then slipped on some blue shoes which had a white strap that helped to keep them on her feet.

"I'm all ready." Mizuki said and then pulled her bag from under her bed.

Mizuki sat and waited for Taiki and Yaten to come, time seemed to slow down while Mizuki was waiting and she didn't know if it was because she was nervous or because she was scared. But as soon as she saw the two sailor senshi clad in black all her fears went away, Maker and Healer walked into Mizuki's room and took in her appearance. She was fully dressed and had a bag on her back, and the photo from her bedside table was gone.

"So you've made your decision then princess?" Maker asked.

"Yes, when I went to see my sister I saw her innocence was gone. She was a young girl who had to grow up too quickly, and I want to be able to fight so she doesn't have to. And I want to do this so that I can protect those I love, just like they protected me." Mizuki said and picked up Zeke in her arms. "I want to go to Kinmoku to become a sailor scout." 

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