Chapter 13: Back Home

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Serenity woke to the soft patter of feet coming close to her bed, opening her eyes she saw Chibi-Usa rubbing her eyes sleepily with Diana perched on her head. Every morning Chibi-Usa would climb into bed with her mother and the two of them would talk for a little, this morning was no different. Lifting the sheets Serenity watched as her youngest climbed under the sheets and wrapped her arms around her waist, Serenity then began to stroke Chibi-Usa's sugar pink locks. She was so grateful to have Chibi-Usa as her daughter and to be able to watch her grow up, after hearing what the other Chibi-Usa experienced in Crystal Tokyo Serenity made sure to keep a close eye on her and make sure that she never had any serious problems beside failing maths at school. Unfortunately Chibi-Usa had taken Serenity's abilities in school, which were non-existent.

"How did you sleep small lady?" Serenity asked being careful not to wake her husband.

"Good, I had a bad dream though." The young girl said resting her head on her mothers chest.

"What about? And why didn't you come and wake me, we could have spoken about it." Serenity said sighing.

"It was about Mizuki, when she was hurt. But in the dream each time I tried to reach her, she kept getting further and further away. And then she started to shout at me saying that she hated me." Chibi-Usa said her crimson eyes filling with tears.

Serenity pulled Chibi-Usa close, it had broken her when Mizuki was injured. Most of the people in the royal court had been shook by it, since they had lived in peace for so long it was a huge shock to fight the Youma.

"How about we go and wake Mizuki. And then you can tell her about your bad dream, I'm sure she'll tell you that she loves you very much and, I bet she'll tell you how proud she is that you've become a scout." Serenity said smiling at her daughter.

"Ok mama, you coming Diana?" Chibi-Usa asked her grey feline companion.

"Yes small lady, I want to see Zeke. He didn't come back last night so mommy told me to keep an eye out for him." Diana said as Chibi-Usa climbed out of bed.

Serenity wrapped a silk dressing gown around her shoulders and ran her fingers through her long silver hair, she decided to let it flow free until she was going to dress. Serenity took Chibi-Usa's hand and began to walk to Mizuki's room, the palace was quiet this morning so Serenity thought that she'd take her girls out. She didn't have any plans for the day so decided to spend the day with her girls, taking them shopping or to her mothers house. They soon reached Mizuki's door and Serenity tapped on it, since there was no answer Serenity decided to go in and wake Mizuki. Opening the door Serenity looked and saw a perfectly made bed, Serenity got a little worried at this point but assumed that Mizuki was in the bathroom. Letting go of Chibi-Usa's hand Serenity ran over to the bathroom pulling the door wide open.

"Mizuki!? Where are you?" Serenity called out.


"Mama, where is Mizu?" Chibi-Usa asked looking past her mother into the bathroom.

Serenity tried to keep calm as she walked to Mizuki's bed, like in her room there was a golden cord that could be pulled if Mizuki needed anything in the night. Serenity gave it five sharp pulls, Serenity looked for anything that would tell her where Mizuki was. It was then Serenity noticed Mizuki's necklace, she never took it off and now here it was. On her bedside table. Serenity picked it up in her hands and felt tears fill her eyes, the door to Mizuki's room burst open and her scouts walked in.

"My queen whats wrong?" Venus asked rushing over to Serenity.

"Its Mizuki! She's gone!" Serenity cried throwing her arms around Venus's neck.

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