Chapter 31: Cosmic Sailor Moon

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Mizuki was just leaving the cafe after spending time with her mother and her mothers scouts when she had an idea, she quickly ran to a phone booth and put some money into it. The concept of money was still strange to her because people didn't use money in Crystal Tokyo, her mother had decided to introduce this so that there would be no poverty and it had worked wonderfully. Pressing the numbers she waited for someone to pick up the phone.

"Hello?" Taiki answered.

"Hey Taiki it's Mizuki, I was just calling to let you know I'm going to be home late." Mizuki said looking down at Zeke as he stared at her through the glass.

"Oh? Why's that?" He asked.

"I'm going for a walk, I shouldn't be too late though. Leave the door unlocked for me?" Mizuki asked.

"Ok then, just be safe ok? If you want give us a call and we'll come and pick you up, I don't feel comfortable with you walking around at night with Galaxia's minions about." Taiki said and Mizuki could almost picture a smile on his face.

"Ok then, once I'm done I'll give you a call. Bye!" Mizuki called and then put the phone down.

Opening the phone booth door Mizuki sighed, she needed to see them. Her scouts from her past life, they should be alive here so Mizuki was determined to find them. Even if they didn't speak to each other she just needed to hear their voices or see their faces, it broke her when they sacrificed themselves for her so she needed to see them ok and happy.

"Come on Zeke, follow me." Mizuki said and began to walk down the streets of Tokyo, she found her way to what she knew as old Tokyo and began her search.

"Where are we going Mizu?" Zeke asked as they walked.

"We're going to find my past scouts, I need to see them." Mizuki said as she saw the familiar house come into view.

Mizuki paused at the front gate, she was scared. What if they didn't want to see her, especially after she told them about what they had done for her. Mizuki placed a hand on the gate and sighed, she couldn't do this. She couldn't risk getting them killed for a second time, she began to turn away when she heard a voice call out to her.

"Can I help you miss?" A soft voice called.

Mizuki paused, she turned her head slowly and then stared. Esme was looking at her and her eyes went wide, Mizuki placed a hand over her mouth as tears began to fall from her eyes.

"Princess?" Esme asked, and then Mizuki ran.

She couldn't involve them, she couldn't kill them for a second time! She could hear Zeke calling after her but she ignored him, she paused when she was about a mile away from Esme. Zeke came panting over to hear with his tongue hanging out of his mouth.

"What was that all about Mizuki?" He asked breathlessly.

"I couldn't do it Zeke, I can't kill them again!" Mizuki cried and then fell to her knees sobbing.

She didn't want to get to know them again only to have them die because of her, Zeke padded over to her and brushed his head against her hand. He hated to see her like this and knew that she wouldn't be able to look at them again without remembering that they sacrificed themselves for her. A scream drew Mizuki's attention away from crying, she knew that she had to protect the people of Tokyo until she could kill Chaos and give them all the opportunity to live happily in Crystal Tokyo. Rising to her feet she saw a young girl being attacked by another girl in a mouse costume.

"Whoa re you?!" Mizuki called over to them.

"I am Sailor Iron Mouse, and who the hell are you?" She asked turning to face Mizuki.

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