The mane six watches death battle. ch Part 41 Gaara vs Toph.

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"Meh, living with Maud has taught me that anyone can be deadly even if they look like they are someone who would rather read a book," said Limestone while giving her older sister a side glance.

"Mm-hmm!" agreed Marble. Knowing how strong her older sister was and how deadly she can be if angered.... That poor Dragon who thought it was a good idea to steal the gems in their rock mines.

(*Cues: Unknown Theme*)

Wiz: Gaara is the son of the Fourth Kazekage, leader of the village hidden in the sand. Born prematurely at the cost of his mother's life, Gaara was destined for a childhood of depression and loneliness from the get-go.

"That poor boy..." Fluttershy whimpered as Rainbow wrapped her wing around her.

"Life just not fair," muttered Applejack as she tilted her hat foward to hide the tears welling up.

Boomstick: Not even a minute old and already has a kill under his belt.

"Boomstick! Not. Cool!" yelled Spike in anger.

Boomstick: Though, technically he had a little help. Because... You see...

(*Cues: Eerie - Naruto*)

Boomstick: As he was being born, his father was like, "Hey! You know what would be awesome? Using ninja magic to seal a horrible monster in my son's belly to turn him into an ultimate weapon!"

Gaara: *screams in pain and agony*

"What kind of a shit-stain father does that to his kid?!" Limestone snapped.

"..... A monster." said Maud.

"Whoa Maud! Calm down," said Pinkie Pie trying to calm down her sister who was ready to blow her top.

Wiz: The process was successful and Gaara became a jinchūriki: human beings who have powerful tailed beasts trapped within them. Gaara's beast was Shukaku, a giant tanuki with power over sand.

"Tanukis are sooo cute!" squee Fluttershy.

Boomstick: Aww, I want a tanuki as a pet. They're so fluffy and adorable, you just wanna hu-- (Shukaku appears) HOLY SHIT, WHAT IS THAT!?

"Dear CELESTIA!" screamed Rarity as she saw one the nine Biju.

".... still cute," said Fluttershy with a slight daze.

Age: 19
Full title: Gaara of the Sand Waterfall
Birthdate: January 19th
Bloodtype: AB
Son of the Fourth Kazekage
Host of Shukaku
Brother of Temari & Kankuro
Fifth Kazekage

(*Cues: Akatsuki - Naruto Shippuden)

Wiz: Shukaku loathed humanity and at first, Gaara had difficulties controlling the monster's rage, accidentally hurting others. As such, he was shunned by his own people, forced to live a secluded life.

Boomstick: Well, yeah, I mean, he's got a goddamn tummy monster. It's not like Pepto-Bismol's solving that.

"Not the time for jokes Boomstick," growled Rarity.

(*Cues: Loneliness Theme - Naruto*)

Wiz: Convinced his only option was to fight and care for only himself, Gaara became a ruthless killing machine.

"No pony should live that life," whispered Marble in one of her rare moments of speaking.

Boomstick: But it's not all bad. Having a digestive desert demon gives him control over all things sand.

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