Untitled Part 21

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          The weekend went by and I didn't mention what had happened the other night to Cam again. I figured he needed to cool down because who ever those boys were got him all worked up and on edge. I was dreading school today, because I know Nate talked to Jessica and she is going to want to know all the details of what happened and why I stayed the night with Cam. Of course I was going to tell her, she's my best friend. Sometimes tho, I wish people didn't care so much, because I have so much baggage that I don't want them mixed with. Jessica knows my baggage tho, and she's already been a part of the mess; and yet she still sticks around.

          "Yeah I heard that Cam won yet another bet this weekend," I hear a girl in the hall say. I turn around from my locker and see that it was none other than Amelia and Beth talking by their lockers. My body tensed at the word bet; Cam ended it so there is nothing to worry about.

          "I can't believe she fell for his game," Beth laughed looking at me. Amelia smirked at me because she knew what they were saying could be heard and that it was in fact getting in my head. I turn around and slowly shut my locker taking a deep breath. It is just them trying to upset you because Amelia is mad she can't have Cameron. Ignore them Allison, just ignore them I tell myself as I go to walk away.

          "How does it feel to be another name on the list Allison?" Amelia says making a few people in the hall stop and look at us. We were standing a few feet apart, and I turned around and looked at her. "Knowing he got into your head and made you believe that you were special. Like you were one of a kind," she keeps going as I grip my books to my chest tighter and close my eyes. "I can't believe you were dumb enough to believe all the shit he told you," she adds on. "He's not capable of love Allison, he's only capable of hurting people," she says making me snap.

          "You don't know anything about me, or about Cameron. So why don't you keep your bitchy remarks to yourself," I say making a few people cheer me on. No one ever stands up to Amelia, not since I've been going here at least. Amelia looks taken back but regains her composer with another famous smirk. 

          "He hasn't been capable of loving anyone since Jamie," she says making me look at her weird. "Oh, you never heard about Jamie," she says making me glare at her. It was true, I had no idea who Jamie was. "Maybe ask your little player boyfriend about her," she says making me snap. I throw my books on the ground and push her back. She almost falls but Beth catches her. She glares and me before shoving me back twice as hard causing me to slam into the lockers behind me. 

          "You're such a bitch!" I shout as we go into a full blown fight now. People started circling us as we were on the ground beating the life out of each other.

          "You're just mad you got used!" Amelia says as Beth pulls me off her and they both start ganging up on me. 

          "HEY!" I hear Jessica shout and then suddenly Beth was pulled off me and Jessica had her on the ground and those two were going at it. I pushed Amelia off me and I got on her and it went back and forth until I felt a pair of arms around my waist pulling me off her.

          "Are you trying to get expelled?" Cameron said to me as he held me back. Nate grabbed Jessica and pulled her back as well. Amelia and Beth both got up and glared at us.

          "You're going to regret that..." she says fixing her hair. "Go on Cam, why don't you tell Allison how you used her like every other girl in the school," she says making everyone look at Cam now.

          "You're fucking crazy Amelia," Jessica says as Nate still holds her back. Cam was still holding me and he wasn't moving a muscle. 

          "Am I? Because I seen Cam and the football guys exchanging money earlier and Cam told them not to mention it to anyone," she says with a smile making my heart drop. I push away from Cam and face him.

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