Part 4

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          It took at least twenty minutes to get to the location of this party. It was a large town, so I kinda figured it would be out a ways. I found out on the way over that it was one of the football players parties, kind of like a spring fling kind of thing since his parents were always away on work trips. Of course the house was huge, it was like a mansion to say the least. We arrived and right away Jessica wondered off and began dancing with some random guy she found. I was left standing in the kitchen, just looking around. I can't remember the last time I was at a party, well I can and it was two years ago and I hated every moment of it. 

          "You look lonely," A male voice says over the music. I turn around and behind the kitchen counter I was sitting at was none other than Ben. I back up a little and cross my arms, how dare  he show up here. He flashes me a smile and I glare at him, I wanted nothing to do with him.

          "Actually I am here with someone, so if you don't mind," I say grabbing a random guy and pulling him to the dance floor. The boy didn't seem to mind because as soon as I started dancing he joined in. I watched out of the corner of my eyes as Ben disappeared and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

          "Mind if I take over," A voice says making my body tense up. I feel one body move away and a new one replace it. I keep my back to them, their chest against me as I feel the soft touch of two hands on my arms. "You look hot tonight," the voice says making me spin around. I wasn't ready for what was in front of me, because those Green eyes and handsome good looks got me right away and I was at a lose of words. That stupid smirk appeared on his face and I crossed my arms.

          "What do you want with me Cameron?" I question him making him look at me with an unknown emotion that even I couldn't read. He quickly regains himself and smirks.

          "Can't a guy compliment a lady?" he says making me roll my eyes.

          "I know what you're trying to do and I will not be a part of it... I will not be another one of your stupid bets," I snap at him making him look shocked. "You and your friends think it's such a fun game to hook up with girls and break their hearts, but do you ever stop and think about the damage you are leaving behind?" I say making him just look at me blankly. Soon his friends are over with us just watching the exchange.

          "You think you know me, you have no idea," Cameron snaps back. He looked a little upset now and I knew I was getting to him and that means I was going to win this.

          "No, it's you who doesn't know a thing about me," I say poking his chest with my finger. It took me a second to get over how well defined his chest was, and he smirked because he seen me looking at it as I poked him. "Newsflash Cameron, you can't break someone who is already broken," I whisper the last part before disappearing into the crowd of people. I walked outside and looked around. I wanted to go home, so I texted Jessica and told her I would be in the car waiting for her. Only thing is, when I got to the car I wanted nothing more to disappear into thin air.

          "It was cute, pretending you were there with that poor kid. He had no idea what was happening and you could tell on his face," Ben says leaning on Jessica's car. I just stood there, not moving an inch from my spot. Ben was a good looking guy, not anything to die over like the school bad boys, but he was doing good in the looks department. He also was super fit, and wasn't one people liked to mess with. How I managed to date a guy like him is beyond me, but trust me his looks hold a lot of dark secrets.

          "Please move," I say going to open the passenger door but he grabs my wrist. I flinch at the contact and look up at him. He was looking at me, and if looks could kill I would be six feet under right now. His grip got tighter as I tried to pull away, so I stopped struggling and just watched him to make sure he didn't make another move. He smiled when he seen he had won, and it sickened me.

          "Make me," He says with a smirk making me close my eyes.

          "Is there a problem here?" a new voice says from behind us. I let out a breath and for once was relieved to heat Cameron's voice. Ben looked behind me and then let me go. I quickly backed up until my back collided with something. I knew it was Cameron, thanks to earlier in the week when the same thing happened. I relaxed a little when the contact happened. Cameron looked down at me and something crossed his face as he looked back to Ben.

          "And you are?" Ben says amused as he crosses his arms in an attempt to look tough. Cameron moved from behind me and was now slightly in front of me. I took the chance to compare the two. Ben might of been fit, but Cameron was perfection and could take Ben any day of the week. I was pulled from my thoughts when Cameron chuckled a little.

          "The question is who the hell do you think you are," Cameron says back making a look of anger cross Ben's face. I knew what happened when Ben got angry, and it never ended well for the other person. I placed a hand on Cameron's arm, hoping he would back down. When he looked at me, then he looked at my arm and a look of anger now crossed his face. I looked at my wrist and there was a black and blue spot where Ben had been holding me. Cameron snapped his head toward Ben and Ben smirked. 

          "Cameron, not tonight man," Nathan says walking up with Jessica and the other boys in his group. Cameron was tense and looked like he was about to jump Ben. So I did the only thing I could think of, I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled my body to his. I was behind him, so his back was to me, but I held on for dear life. I was scared and upset and my body reacted on it's own.

          "Just let it go Cameron," I whisper feeling him relax a little and place a hand on my arms that were wrapped around him.

          "I better not see your face around here again, or hear about you," Nathan threatened Ben. I heard Ben laugh before footsteps were heard walking away. I didn't realize Cameron had turned around and was now hugging me back, and I didn't realize I was now crying. This was the exact reason I didn't want to come out here tonight, the one reason I never go to parties anymore.

          "Should've let me punch him," Jessica says making the boys laugh a little.

          "He had at least a hundred pounds on you kiddo," Nick says making her fake laugh.

          "You think that would fucking stop me! His bitch ass would've been on the ground," she says sounding pissed off.

          "And you would be in a hospital," Trevor adds on.

          "Well I would fucking hope you sluts had the brains to kick his ass before he got a punch in on me," Jessica says making me finally open my eyes. Cameron and I were still hugging and I quickly pulled away from him and wiped my eyes.

          "Thank you," I whisper making him look at me. I never seen him look like that before, almost like he actually cared.

          "No guy needs to do that to a girl," He says making me look at him weird. Suddenly I got defensive.

          "But what you guys do is okay?" I say making him look upset.

          "Hey, we would never lay a hand on any girl, not like that," Nathan jumps in when Cameron doesn't say anything back. I look at him and Jessica was standing next to him.

          "Maybe not, but what you do is just as bad," I say looking back at Cameron. 

          "Who even was that prick?" Nick says standing next to me. I keep my eyes on Cameron and let out a sigh.

          "No one.." I say holding my wrist. "Jessica, let's go please," I say walking toward the car. Cameron steps aside to let me pass. I stop next to him and look at him. "Thank you for that... I owe you one," I say before getting in the car. I wait for Jessica, and when I see her talking to the boys I knew the year was about to become a bit more interesting.  

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