Part 2

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          Sitting in class really got my mind thinking, about everything lately. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed classes and all but I didn't need to pay attention to know the course. I knew the material already like the back of my hand. I liked to use the time to think; a peaceful silence as the class listened to the teacher give her lecture. The teacher never bothered me, because she knew I was fine in her class.

          "Oh Mr. Huyser and Mr. Kalkman, how nice of you to grace us with your presence today," Mrs. Jackson says as my head snaps towards the front of the classroom. I locked eyes with Cameron and he smirks at me. I roll my eyes and look away, like I said this morning, I would never in a million years be caught dead hanging out with or even talking civilly to his slut self.

          "Sorry we're late Mrs. Jackson," Nathan says in a charming tone as the teacher struggles to keep her composure. I don't know how those boys did it, but they managed to make every girl fall at their feet. Cameron was still looking at me so I decided to go back to my train of thought. Of course, I was soon cut short yet again when the sound of not one, but both of the empty chairs at my table being pulled out. I kept my eyes locked out the window, hoping to avoid any problems.

          "As I was saying..." Mrs. Jackson began writing on the board again, getting lost in her own train of teaching to even notice kids messing around or not paying attention. I liked that about her, she was a total math nerd who got lost in her own work.

          "Hey little miss perfect," A deep voice says making my body go tense. Great, hell just froze over and I was stuck smack dab in the middle of it. I didn't turn around though, I just pretended like I didn't hear him. "To good to talk to anyone?" he says again with a chuckle. I knew it was Nathan, because he was the cocky one out of all of the boys, and I have been into arguments with him before.

          "Nate, you know how this works. She is to good to talk to anyone below her social class," Cameron adds his two cents in making my blood boil. I turn around and see them both leaning back in their chairs, arms cross and smirks plastered on their perfect little faces. I glared at them, mostly Nathan tho.

          "Can I help you two?" I whisper yell in an annoyed tone. They both looked shocked that I finally spoke to them. Nathan has heard me before, but Cameron looked shocked because I have never spoken to him in our twelve years of attending school together. The look on his face was a mix between shock and amusement as his friend went on with the conversation.

          "Sure can princess," he says making me frown a little. " Tell us, what is it like having everything?" he says making me look away. I was beyond mad and upset right now, leave it to Nathan to know how to ruin my day without even knowing it. 

          "Alright, don't forget about your homework over the last four sections. It's due on Friday when you return to class," she says making me remember it was Monday and have the next three days off school for records week. I cleaned up my things and left class to meet up with Jessica for lunch. It was a half day so we were ready to go.

          "How long have they been following you?" Jessica says as I walk up to her locker and she nods back. I let out a sigh and quickly spin around to say something to the boys, only I collide with a brick wall. Okay it wasn't a wall, but it might as well been. Really I collided with Cameron's chest, causing me to fall back. I let out a scream and closed my eyes waiting for the impact of the ground, but right before that happened a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist. 

          "Holy shit!!!!" I hear Jessica shout as I open my eyes as I am being pulled back up right. "Get off her," she says pushing the pair of arms off me. I look and see Cameron was the one who caught me making me mentally face palm myself because I was admiring his chest and his arms.

          "Calm down little angry one," Cameron says backing up. Nathan was laughing up a storm as I just stared at them. I almost face planted the ground in front of the hottest boys in school, kill me.

          "Tell me to calm down one more time Nathan and I will throat punch you into next week!" Jessica says making him stop and glare at her. These two have had beef ever sense middle school. None of them have tried hooking up with Jessica, which is fishy if you ask me but I never questioned it because they've never paid any attention to me either.

          "For such a small girl, you have a lot of anger," Nathan teases making Jessica spin around inches from his face. I knew where this was going. Even though Jessica is small, she could pack a punch. She is a violent little person who protects her friends like no other. Another reason why I absolutely love this girl. Cameron was watching the exchange just as closely as I was, because Nathan was the same way, only much to cocky to back down from anyone.

          "I will wreck your fucking day Kalkman," She threatens making Nathan laugh as he leaned down a little. Jessica froze at the movement and kept her eyes locked on his. He leaned down to her ear and smirked. 

          "I'd like to see you try," he whispers making Jessica smirk back. She places her hand on his chest and pushes him back a little making him look a little confused. Here we go, Jessica liked being a tease and Nathan was about to learn the hard way.

          "Is that a dare Nate?" she says running her hand up his arm making him look at her with an unknown emotion. It was funny, seeing the bad boy in this position. He didn't move an inch as she pressed her body to his and stood on her tip toes to reach his ear. "I win," She whispers before backing up and smirking. Nathan was at a lose of words, just standing there with his mouth open. Cameron broke out laughing as did their friends who had just walked up and seen the whole exchange take place.

          "Dude you just got played," Nick says between laughs. Nathan snaps out of his shock and glares at us. Jessica just smirks at him as the boys keep laughing.

          "You're going to regret that," He says in an amused tone. I roll my eyes and go to leave because I knew Jessica would follow, but of course my day had to keep getting worse because walking up to us was none other than the queen bitch herself. Amelia Meyers, better known as the queen of this school because her dad ran a huge business and was basically a millionaire. She thought she was all that, and was better than everyone around her, even her own friend.

          "Shit," I say to myself because I knew Jessica was to focused on arguing with Nathan and the boys behind me. I just watched as Amelia came to a stop in front of me with her arms crossed and that stupid bitch look on her face. I just wanted to go home and be alone, last thing I wanted was all this shit happening today.

          "What makes you think you can talk to those boys?" she says in a bitchy tone. This is why I avoid the boys, because Amelia has it in her head that she is dating Cameron, but little does she know he just used her like all the boys do. She wouldn't accept it, but I knew it happened. The only two girls in this school who haven't been played is Jessica and myself.

          "Trust me, I didn't ask for them to talk to me... Now excuse me," I say going to walk past her put she quickly slams me into the lockers making all the talking around us stop and all attention was on us. 

          "Know your place, you're a nobody here," She says with venom making me look at her. She was right, I was a nobody. I felt the tears start to fill my eyes as her words cut through me. She was saying a ton of nasty things as I just look at her and let each word sink in. I could hear Jessica shouting but Beth, Ameila's friend was blocking her way.

          "Jesus Amelia that's enough," I hear someone shout making me look to my left. It was Cameron who stepped up and made Amelia let me go. I didn't realize how much I was crying until I felt it dripping down my face. I push past everyone and ran out the front doors of the school. When did life get so terrible.....

Good EnoughOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant