Untitled Part 19

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          As fast as I could run, it still didn't seem fast enough. He was catching up to me so effortlessly; it was the end of the line. He grabbed my tightly by the arm and threw me to the ground. I tried crawling away but he pulled me back and hit me repeatedly....

          I woke up when I felt something tighten around my waist. My arms shoot to what it was, and I come in contact with Cameron's strong arm, protectively wrapped around me. I looked over my shoulder to see his face  berried in my hair. A small smile crossed my face and I relax a little. I trace my finger over his arm and just admire that this boy was actually mine, and what we just did proved it.

          "That tickles stop it," he suddenly says in a sleepy voice.  I roll over so I was facing him, his arm still wrapped around me. His eyes were still closed and I laughed a little.

          "Sorry if I woke you," I say making him open his eyes finally and look at me.

          "I surprised you didn't sleep longer," he teases making me slap his chest, which was bare. As a matter of fact, the only thing we both had on was the bed sheets. "Ouch, stop being so violent," he jokes making me laugh and lay my head on his chest. I went from tracing his arm to his well defined abs. He was tracing circles on my back looking at the ceiling, like he was in deep thought. 

          "Why are all the boys here?" I ask making him look at me.

          "We all live here," he says looking back at the ceiling. "Like I said when we first started talking, we all have baggage going on," he adds on making me drop the question. I move so I was sitting on top of him, he placed his hands on my hip and looked at me. I carefully brought my hand up to his face and touched the reality bad bruise on his cheek making him freeze. I examined it before looking back into his eyes.

          "Is this why you didn't come to school today?" I ask making him taking my Hand off his face and turn his head to the side.

          "Don't worry about it Al," he says going to get up, but since I was sitting on him I forced him to stay there. He looked at me with those eyes telling me not to play this game; but I was going to because something happened with him and I wanted to know. "Let me up," he says giving me the look.

          "You miss school, then when I see you look like you've been in a fight? And Jessica said Nate looked the same... I want to know what happened to my boyfriend," I say making him suddenly slip us around so he was onto of me this time. Trying to control my breathing, because our bare skin was once again touching, I looked at him and he was looking at me already, sadness on his face. "Please tell me," I whisper touching his face again. 

          "It's nothing for you to worry about," he says kissing my forehead before getting up. I watched as he slid his pants back on before looking at me. "hungry?" he says making me snap outta it.

          "Sure," I say as he walks outta the room, leaving me there to let it sink in what we did tonight. I didn't know how to feel, happy for one because it wasn't because of a bet that we did it, it was pure love. I got up and seen that my original clothes were now dry so I there my shorts back on and kept on Cams hoodie before walking outta the room. I walked down the upstairs hall past all the rooms. The house was spotless for having a ton of boys living in it. I walked down the stairs and heard the boys all talking in the living room.

          "Dude why the fuck are you in such a good mood," Trevor says making the other boys agree.

          "No dude, you didn't!" Nate shouts making Cameron tell him to keep it down. "I swear to God Cam if you break that girls heart now I will personally kill you," he says. I loved Nate, we have gotten so close over the last few months that he is almost like my brother. Knowing that he is on my side if Cam ever hurts me makes me feel a hell of a lot better.

          "Hey, and we will figure out how to handle the situation bro, don't stress about it," Nick adds on making me wonder what they were talking about and if it had something to do with the injuries Nate and Cam have. "besides they don't know enough about you to get under your skin," he adds on.

          "Yeah, you don't know him like Nate and I do," Cam says in a sad tone. I walk down the stairs and all the boys instantly greet me.

          "You're crazy for being out in that rain lady," Nate says as I take a seat between him and Cam on the couch. 

          "Yeah I know, I didn't realize I had went that far... Sorry for taking Cam away from you boys," I joke making them all laugh. This was possibly the only boys I was comfortable with, and felt completely safe with.

          "Oh they boys know my girl always comes first," Cam says wrapping his arm around me. I laugh as everyone goes on talking about random things, and everything just felt so right; like for once in a long time I felt alive again.....

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