Untitled Part 13

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          It has been almost two weeks since I agreed to be Camerons girlfriend and my life has definitely changed dramatically.  Instead of constantly being depressed and sad all the time, I was always smiling and laughing with the group. Which was all the time because they were always over at the house now, most of the time they slept over. School was a different story, Amelia had it out for me that was for sure. We only had a month left of school until summer break. A month left of my high school career, and something still wasn't settling right with me.

          "What are you thinking about good looking?" Cameron says hugging me from behind as I look in my mirror in my room. Jessica and I were going to go out tonight, we haven't had a girls night in a long time. The boys were going to stay at my place and watch movies all night, which was fine with me.

          "Graduation," I say making him let out a breath and kiss my head.

          "Again.." he says making me nod. "You know he would be proud of you right?" he says making me smile. I talked to him the other night about why I wasn't looking forward to it, because my dad wasn't going to see the moment, the moment where I walk across the stage and finally I become an adult. "Go out, have fun.... Not to much fun though," he teases making me playfully hit him. I was wearing a pair of white jean shorts and a black tank top, because the weather was starting to get warm and I wasn't about to die of heat stroke tonight.

          "Yeah, I have no idea where we are even going. Jessica said it was a surprise," I say making him look at me uneasy.

          "Yeah I don't like the idea of not knowing where you are... But I trust Jessica," he says making me smile as we walk downstairs where Jessica and Nathan were talking. "You better take care of my girl," Cameron says making Jessica give him a playful glare. 

          "I was taking care of her long before you losers came along," she says making the boys laugh. "Come on babe," she says taking my hand and we leave.

         "So where are we going?" I asked making her smile as we drove more into town. I don't go into the city very often, because nothing good comes from there. We stick to out town, because it's a lot safer and I know all the people there. I watched as the trees became buildings and I knew that she was about to drag me into one of her crazy nights. When we pulled up to a bar I gave her a look as she shut the car off.

          "Oh don't even!" she says making me raise an eyebrow at her. "When is the last time we did something crazy and fun?" she says handing me a fake ID. I look at it, it looked so real. "We need to let loose, She says getting out of the car. I follow behind her as we come face to face with a night club.

          "You two ladies have ID?" the guy at the door asked. Jessica handed the ID's to the guy, who in turn looked over them and us several times before handing them back. "You're good," he says opening the door letting the music and smell of alcohol hit us. Jessica takes my hand and pulls me inside with a huge smile on her face. As I look around I see a lot of people, most of them look like college kids. Something in my stomach was giving me a bad feeling, but I also knew that I always have that feeling. Jessica was right, we needed a night of just fun. After a couple of minutes we got a few drinks in us and we took the dance floor. Jessica and I loved to dance, and being drunk only made it that much more interesting. 

          "I like your moves," a guy said pulling Jessica to hos body. She pushed away and glared at him. 

          "Sorry bud, I have a boyfriend," She says going back to dance with me. The guys pulls her back again and this time I step in. 

          "She said no," I say making him eye me. He smiles and lets her go before backing up.

          "Fine," he says leaving. Jessica smiles at me as we continue to dance the night away. By the time we left, we were both pretty drunk. We both stumbled toward the parking lot where there were only a few cars left. It was around 2 in the morning, so the streets were pretty silent and empty.

          "I don't feel to go," Jessica says as she leans on the car. I looked around, I was pretty drunk but I was still able to make logical choices.

          "I will call the boys," I say taking the keys from her and taking out my phone. I find Cameron in my phone and I press call. 

          "Geez it's 2 in the morning... where the fuck are you?" he says sounding sleepy. I laugh a little, because I was feeling the drinks taking over a little, but I knew what was going on around me still.

          "Can you come pick us up?" I question looking at Jessica who was now sitting on the ground by the car. 

          "Where are you?" he yawns as I hear his keys and then Nate complaining how late it was.

          "In the city," I say regretting it right away because he started freaking out.

          "Are you fucking kidding me???? Why the hell are you two out there alone?" he yells. I can hear Nate shouting in the background as well.

          "You aren't gonna need that ride princess," a male voice says behind me. I drop the phone and back up. It was the guy from the club and another guy who I hadn't seen that night. Jessica stood up and we both backed up toward the alley that was the closest to us.

          "Where you think you're going darling?" the second guy says with a smile. Jessica stumbles a little and I catch her as the guys get closer. We back up into the alley only to realize a the end there was a brick wall, now where to run and they had us blocked in.......

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